Chem/Bio/Rad Material Spill or Release
On this page:
- Report a spill or release
- Inside a building
- Major transportation incident
- If you witness or become aware of a chemical or hazardous material release
- If you are exposed to the chemical/hazardous material
Report a spill or release
Call 911 from an on-campus phone or 937-775-2111 from a cell or off-campus phone to report any known or suspected spills or releases, whether accidental or intentional.
Follow instructions given by emergency response personnel.
Inside a building
- Evacuate the immediate area, closing doors to the area where possible.
- Someone familiar with the situation should meet emergency response personnel outside the building.
- If there are injuries or suspected exposure to the materials, inform emergency response personnel that medical assistance is needed.
- DO NOT re-enter the area until instructed by emergency response personnel.
- DO NOT attempt to clean up chemicals/hazardous material unless directed by Environmental Health and Safety staff.
Major transportation incident
- Releases may occur during material transfer procedures or as a result of an accident/crash involving:
- an aircraft;
- a train/railway; and/or
- highway traffic.
If you witness or become aware of a chemical or hazardous material release:
- Call 911 from an on-campus phone or 937-775-2111 from a cell or off-campus phone.
- You may be instructed to remain in your building, seek shelter in the closest building (see Sheltering in Place), or evacuate (see Evacuation Procedures).
- Hazardous material releases can produce potentially harmful gases and contaminants. Move quickly as upwind of the incident as possible to avoid these dangers. Do not go downwind of the incident site.
If you are exposed to the chemical/hazardous material:
- Use the nearest emergency shower and/or eyewash if available. The location of your nearest emergency shower/eyewash is (write-in location below):
- Cover your mouth and nose with layers of cloth (handkerchief, towel, etc.).
- Move as far away from the source of contamination as possible.
- Wash with soap and water.
- Remove contaminated clothing as soon as possible.
- Call 911 from an on-campus phone or 937-775-2111 from a cell or off-campus phone to report your exposure.