Explore Wright State Day

Accounts and Bills

Due Dates

Bills are generated at the end of each month and invoices are available for viewing the first business day of the month.


Registration Date Fees Due Non-Payment Penalty
Prior to August 16 August 15 None
August 16–September 15 September 15 $50 Late Payment Fee
September 16 and after 15th of following month $50 Late Payment Fee



Registration Date Fees Due Non-Payment Penalty
Prior to December 16 December 15 None
December 16–January 15 January 15 $50 Late Payment Fee
January 16  and after 15th of following month $50 Late Payment Fee



Registration Date Fees Due Non-Payment Penalty
Prior to April 16                   April 15 None
April 16–May 15 May 15 $50 Late Payment Fee
May 16 and after 15th of following month $50 Late Payment Fee