“It's a big deal. It’s a good thing to have. It’s great recognition and a good indicator of a strong cyber program.”
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“What is being set up is a very, very dangerous situation,” according to Dr. Cathy Wagner, President of the AAUP Chapter at Miami University.
This comes as major outbreaks have hit college towns this summer, spread by partying students and practicing athletes.
“I think they value my voice and my opinion just as much as if I was another AD. I think that’s really powerful and really awesome.”
The bottom line is that university leaders expect fewer students and employees on campus, and those present will be expected to follow rigorous safety protocols.
Repairing and bringing the building up to code would have cost more than demolishing the structure, WSU’s chief business officer, told the Dayton Daily News in late 2017.
The students are involved in a student service organization on campus called Compassion in Action that strives to donate to a local charity each semester and volunteer monthly.
The university’s current projections have enrollment declining by 22 percent next year, and the trustees are expecting a $32 million budget shortfall.
The boys would watch until their dad, Raiders’ assistant Sharif Chambliss, appeared from the dressing room.
"We’re committed to challenging our students, when they return, to examine their beliefs, their own privilege and their bias.”