Holiday closure

Winter Break: Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Wright State University administrative and academic offices will be closed.

Retirees Association

Wright State University Retirees Association Procedural Manual

(A supplement to the bylaws)
Approved June 1999; Amended May/June/August 2009; December, 2013; November 6, 2015


Bylaws and Elections Committee

The Bylaws and Elections Committee shall be responsible for the following areas of bylaws, nominations, and elections:

  1. Bylaws
    1. Reviews bylaws every four years or earlier if requested by the WSURA Board, coordinating with the mailing of the directory that contains a copy of the bylaws.
    2. Proposes additions, changes, and deletions in the bylaws.
  2. Nominations
    1. Announces a solicitation for nominations for the annual elections.
    2. Nominates a slate of candidates.
    3. Draws up the ballot.
  3. Elections
    1. Oversees the distribution of the mail ballot by April 15.
    2. Counts votes, resolves ties, and announces winners at the annual membership meeting of WSURA.

Ohio Council on Higher Education Retirees (OCHER) Committee

At least two members shall represent WSURA at OCHER meetings to:

  1. Further communication and exchange of ideas with retirees’ organizations from other four-year Ohio institutions.
  2. Provide support for such initiatives as are determined to best benefit WSURA members.
  3. Report back to WSURA on matters of interest discussed at the four OCHER meetings held each year.

Publications Committee

The Communications Coordinator shall chair this committee and the Past President shall serve as a committee member along with other members as necessary.

The Publications Committee shall:

  1. Collect information and photographs for The Extension, the newsletter of WSURA.
  2. Publish the newsletter four times per year. (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer)
  3. Maintain a file of two copies of The Extension in the WSURA office.
  4. Work with other WSURA committee chairpersons to collect information for the newsletter.
  5. Contact key campus offices or committees for pertinent information for inclusion in the newsletter.
  6. Distribute complimentary copies of The Extension to identified on-campus and off-campus personnel and/or offices or associations.
  7. Distribute one copy of the newsletter annually to all university retirees.
  8. Publish a membership directory every other year.
  9. Oversee the website in coordination with the WSURA Web Master to keep it updated and accurate.  This coordination shall be the responsibility of the Past President.

Historical Preservation Committee

The Historical Preservation Committee shall:

  1. Maintain an official copy of the minutes of the organization, copies of The Extension and any other permanent records of the organization in the WSURA Office.  Official copies of these organizational records shall be transferred from the WSURA Office to the University Archives by the Committee Chair in coordination with the Student Office Assistant every two years. 
  2. Compile a historical record of WSURA using members as resources and by taking/storing photographs of pertinent activities.
  3. Work in conjunction with the WSU Library Archivist when applicable including facilitating oral histories.
  4. Identify any other areas that may be of interest to WSURA pertaining to the history of the organization and/or the university.

Activities Committee

The Activities Committee shall:

  1. Have general supervision of the social, educational, and cultural activities of WSURA.
  2. Present a calendar of activities for the upcoming year at the August meeting of the Board. Should funding be necessary for any event, a request will be submitted for Board approval.
  3. Solicit suggestions for activities from the membership.
  4. Provide the Board and submit to The Extension a year-end report of activities at the annual membership meeting of WSURA.
  5. Submit for each issue of The Extension information on upcoming activities.
  6. Use the interests and expertise of WSURA members in the coordination of specific activities.

Sunshine Committee

The Sunshine Committee shall:

  1. Acknowledge the death and/or illness of a retiree and express appreciation and thanks for the person’s contribution to Wright State University.
  2. Obtain cards for mailing when appropriate.
  3. Report to the Board illnesses or deaths of retirees.
  4. Coordinate with The Extension editor and the Web Master to report deaths or retirees.
  5. Prepare a list of honorees for the summer picnic (retirees who have been retired for five years and multiples of five years) and coordinate the event with WSU Student Union and Event Services. Names and year of retirement of retirees will be kept by the Student Office Assistant and updated quarterly from information provided by the CATS representative in Human Resources.

Service Committee

The Service Committee shall:

  1. Promote and coordinate participation by WSURA members who assist in existing university programs, activities, and functions and in university-related programs.
  2. Coordinate participation with the WSU Alumni Association and University Foundation in support of their programs.
  3. Coordinate with the Historical Preservation Committee to document the service activities of WSURA members.
  4. Contribute to the calendar of events and provide accounts of past activities for inclusion in The Extension.

Membership Development Committee

The Membership Development Committee shall:

  1. Request from Human Resources a list of new retirees at the end of each semester.  Send a WSURA brochure to new retirees inviting them to join and become involved.  The brochure should be updated bi-annually in the early fall.
  2. Coordinate recruitment table activities at the annual WSU Health Fair and as appropriate throughout the year. 
  3. Coordinate with the Historical Preservation Committee to document activities of the committee.
  4. Contribute to the calendar of events and provide accounts of past activities for inclusion in The Extension.

Scholarship Committee

  1. Coordinate the scholarship application process with the Office of Financial Aid Processing.
  2. Select the annual scholarship recipient(s).
  3. Introduce the scholarship recipient(s) to the board.
  4. Communicate with the Development Office and report on the status of the scholarship funds to the Board at least annually.
  5. Coordinate with the annual CSIS campaign to solicit donations from retirees.

Timeline of Scholarship Committee Duties:


  • Contact the Associate Director of CSIC to obtain a schedule for the campaign.  When CSIS materials are available, write a letter to be included in the mailing to retirees.
  • Mention that donations can be specified to the endowment fund or to the “spendable account.”  If possible, obtain pictures and articles about current scholarship recipients from The Extension editor to include in the mailing.


  • Contact the Associate Director of Donor Relations about the account earnings available from the endowment.


  • Contact the Associate Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid about the total amount available and about the scholarship applicants that meet our conditions.  Have a committee appointed at the Board meeting.


  • Arrange for a committee meeting to select awardee(s).
  • Report to Associate Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
  • Send email congratulations to awardee(s).Work with the Associate Director of CSIC to have letters of thanks sent to donors.
  • Give The Extension Editor awardee(s) bios for publication in The Extension.


  • Invite Awardee(s) to lunch following the December Board meeting.


  • Attend lunch with the awardee(s) if they are able to attend.


Athletic Council Liaison

The Athletic Council Liaison shall:

  1. Represent WSURA on the WSU Athletic Council.
  2. Report pertinent information from the Athletic Council to the WSURA Board.

Friends of the Libraries Liaison

  1. Serves on Friends of the Libraries Board at their pleasure (elected and/or ex officio).
  2. Serve as a communication link between the Friends and WSURA Board reporting to each organization the upcoming activities of the other. 

International Studies Liaison

  1. Serve as a communications link between the WSURA Board and the University Center for International Education (UCIE).
  2. Serves as Chair of the Welcome Club that plans activities for visiting professors/research associates and exchange students from WSU’s official partner universities in coordination with UCIE. 



The president shall:

  1. Fulfill the duties of the office of President as outlined in the bylaws.
  2. Orient the Vice President to the duties of the office.
  3. Preside over meetings of the Board. (Typically, at 10 a.m. the first Wednesday of each month except July and January.)
  4. Represent WSURA at University functions when requested.
  5. Be responsible for supervising the Student Office Assistant. (Includes setting work priorities and resolving any issues that may arise among the Student Office Assistant and other WSURA Board members.)
  6. Approves Student Office Assistant’s electronic timecard process.

Timeline of Presidential Duties:


  • Takes office at the June meeting.
  • Contacts the Board members to determine their committee preferences.
  • Introduces him/herself to the University liaison.


  • Completes a roster of Officers/Board Members/Committee Chairs.
  • Requests parking passes for the Board and office keys for members who need them.
  • Distributes a copy of the bylaws and procedural manual to officers/board members.
  • Writes a President’s message for The Extension.


  • Works out schedule with Student Office Assistant and deals with any questions/problems that he/she may have.
  • Orients new Student Office Assistant as needed using the office manual. 
  • Updates welcoming letter for new members.


  • Solicits volunteers to prepare and work at the WSURA booth at the University Health Fair.


  • Writes a President’s message for The Extension.


  • Determines with the Treasurer and the Board any need for budgetary changes and forwards any requests to the University liaison.
  • Contacts Liberal Arts Office to reserve the conference room for the following year.
  • Writes a President’s message for The Extension.


  • Determines availability of the Student Office Assistant for the summer session and following year and advises Student Employment of continuation of his/her employment or advertises for and interviews new candidates.
  • Appoint tellers committee.


  • Invites new Board members to the June meeting.
  • Writes a President’s message for The Extension.


  • Transitions with the incoming President.

Vice President:

  1. Fulfills the duties of the office of Vice-President as outlined in the bylaws.
  2. Serves in the absence of the President.


  1. Fulfills the duties of the office of Secretary as outlined by the bylaws.
  2. Issues a draft of the minutes by email within approximately five days of the Board meeting and solicits corrections.
  3. Prepares and emails edited minutes at least one week prior to Board meeting.
  4. Submits an approved electronic copy of the minutes to the Student Office Assistant for placement on the website.
  5. Directs Student Office Assistant to file a paper copy of all minutes/correspondence in the Office for eventual placement in the University Archives.
  6. Prepares and mails thank you notes for donations (Nick Davis WSURA Scholarship Fund and Patron Fund) as directed by the Treasurer or Scholarship Committee Chairperson.


  1. Fulfills the duties of the office of Treasurer as outlined in the bylaws.
  2. Maintains and monitors the WSURA accounts.
  3. Requests payment of specific expenditures.
  4. Assists in preparing the budget for activities.
  5. Oversees the Student Office Assistant in the maintenance of accurate membership data.
  6. Bills annual members in November and sends reminder notices in January.
  7. Tracks and oversees WSURA Patron Fund on a quarterly basis to report to WSURA Board.  Informs Secretary of donors for response of gratitude. 
  8. Provides a list of patrons and the status of the fund to The Extension for annual publication in the summer newsletter.

Communications Coordinator:

  1. Fulfills the duties of the office of Communications Coordinator as outlined in the bylaws.
  2. Edits and oversees the publication of The Extension four times annually (approximately September 1, December 1, March 1 and June 1).
  3. Gathers news of WSURA activities, news about members and the university, and other items of interest for inclusion in the newsletter.
  4. Supervises the Student Office Assistant in maintaining an accurate, current mailing list. This task includes recording changes of address, deaths of members, and membership status (life, first-year, and inactive).
  5. Publishes the WSURA Directory on alternate odd years.

Past President

  1. Fulfills the duties of the office of Past President as outlined in the bylaws.
  2. Orients the incoming President to the duties of the office.
  3. Attends Board meetings and carries out duties as requested by the President.
  4. Serves as a member of the Publications Committee overseeing the website.