Sargent couldn’t be certain his speak-the-truth-in-love method was going to work. But though the results may not show it yet, he believes it has.
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This free event is geared toward recent retirees and those close to retiring. It is co-sponsored by WSURA and the WSU Office of Planned Giving.
Alex Huibregtse was the beneficiary of three assists in the Raiders’ come-from-behind 66-62 victory over Oakland Thursday night.
Bob Grote — one of the most fabled athletes in WSU sports history — said his new doctors asked the same question: “How are you still alive?”
The $5.5 million proposal was tabled “for the foreseeable future” in October, according to Wright State and YMCA leadership.
Better educating people on the basic knowledge of the United States was one of the reasons Lee Strang wanted to create these centers.
WEP and GPO have impacted employees who contribute to a public retirement system, such as STRS Ohio or OPERS, who also have contributed to Social Security through non-public employment.
“I just want our guys to be encouraged by winning ugly,” Coach Clint Sargent said.
“I’m happy, but I’m sad and mad at the same time. I’m mad the game ended. I just wanted to keep playing. I didn’t want the night to end.”
“Thinking there might be some hope on the horizon is certainly what drives me towards working together and trying to move this along as fast as we can.”