Retirees Association

DDN: Ohio auditor concludes no illegal spending in Parallax audit, though previous findings remain

Dennis Andersh

Excerpt from the Dayton Daily News

An Ohio auditor’s investigation found that five years of spending with vendors by what was then Wright State University’s research arm, the Wright State Applied Research Corp. (WSARC), was allowed by law.

The leader of the corporation — now independent of Wright State and known as Parallax Advanced Research — says the findings are favorable for Parallax, which has had spending practices questioned in the past and is embroiled in a still-unresolved lawsuit with Wright State.

“This is a great day for Parallax Research, for the state of Ohio and for the dozens of partners across academia, industry and the military with which our team works and supports every day,” Dennis Andersh, Parallax president and chief executive, said in a statement. “As Ohio’s only independent and non-profit research institute, we have a special responsibility to be as transparent and accountable as possible.”

The office examined spending with vendors from 2012 through 2017, spurred by an Office of the Inspector General report in 2019 that “concluded there was reasonable cause to believe a wrongful act or omission had occurred.”

Andersh believes this new auditor’s report represents a reversal of that finding, a spokesman said.

The auditor’s goal was to determine whether WSARC funds were spent “in accordance with the Ohio Constitution and consistent with language in the Ohio house bills,” the report said.