Retirees Association

DDN: With enrollment down, Wright State freezes spending, cuts administrators’ pay

Stormy skies over the Qyad

Excerpt from the Dayton Daily News

With universities statewide closed to on-campus instruction, Wright State University is cutting administrators’ salaries, freezing contracts and capital projects — and leaders may consider a workforce reduction, university leaders said in a campus email Monday.

With enrollment down due to the global pandemic, state government has recently informed university leaders to prepare for a “significant reduction in what is remaining of this year’s state share of instruction,” the university said in the email.

Refunds or credits due to students exceed $3 million and summer enrollment has been hit, resulting in a “decrease of 17 percent” for summer enrollment, the university said.

As a result, WSU President Sue Edwards, with the university provost, vice presidents, vice provosts and deans have “voluntarily agreed to take a 20 percent reduction in salary,” Wright State said.

In addition, a hold has been placed on “all non-critical university-funded capital projects,” new contractual agreements for goods and services have been frozen, and “all discretionary non-compensation spending” has been eliminated, the email said.

Campus facilities will be left in “a low energy usage mode” where possible, the university also said.