Retirees Association

DDN: Wright State proposes expanding medical school

BSOM Graduation

Excerpt from the Dayton Daily News

The Wright State University Boonshoft School of Medicine is proposing expanding its medical school building to meet the demand for health care workers in the region.

The Boonshoft School of Medicine’s plans to grow its enrollment over the next five years and increase the number of physicians graduating into the Dayton-area workforce depend on having more space to teach, Valerie Weber, dean of the school, said in an funding application request to the Dayton Region Priority Development and Advocacy Committee.

The total cost for the project is estimated to be $2.5 million. In the request, the Wright State school requested $1.25 million in funding and says it plans to put up the rest.

Weber wrote in the application that the region has a tremendous need for doctors and prefers to admit students to the school who are from either Ohio or the Miami Valley. In 2021, the school said its entering class consisted of 85 percent of students from Ohio and 32 percent of students from the Miami Valley.

That makes it more likely the students will stay in the long term, the school said.