Excerpt from the Dayton Daily News
About 2,000 Wright State University students are moving into on-campus housing this year. Move-in started Wednesday, continues Thursday and ends Saturday with students living in on-campus apartments.
The number of students living on campus is an early, positive sign of higher enrollment, Susan Schaurer, vice president for enrollment management and chief recruitment officer at Wright State, said Wednesday as students moved in.
After years of declining enrollment, the university has been working toward recruiting more students, both internationally and locally.
Schaurer said the number of students living on campus this year is about a 20% increase over last year.
“Because on campus housing is open to first-time students, transfer students, as well as continuing students, both domestic and international, it is an indicator of the broader trend that we will likely see for enrollment this fall,” Schaurer said.
Final enrollment numbers won’t be available until mid-September, when all public Ohio universities and colleges take a census of how many students they have and report it to the Ohio Department of Higher Education.