The dedication of a memorial tree and plaque for late professor Ira Fritz will be held on Friday, November 25.
The remembrance and dedication will begin at 11:30 a.m in the grove between the Library, Fawcett Hall, and Biology.
There will be an opportunity for those who wish to talk about Ira to do so. Members of Ira's family will be there.
Four other former professors will be remembered: Marvin Seiger, Prem Batra, Noel Nussbaum, and Shigeru Honda.
Attendees are invited to make comments at these sites.
Afterwards, those who wish will go nearby Panera Bread to dine together.
Ira Fritz’s plaque and tree were made available through the many contributions of his friends.
As the University will be closed on this day, nearby parking will be available.