A poem by David Lee Garrison, "Playing Bach in the DC Metro," will be read by the British Broadcasting Company in London as part of a program titled “Violins,” on the radio show “Words and Music.” The poem gave the title to Garrison’s most recent book, published by Browser Books in 2012. It can be heard on October 16th and for 30 days after that on the BBC website.
GArrison's work has appeared nationwide in journals and anthologies. Two poems from his book Sweeping the Cemetery were read by Garrison Keillor on The Writer’s Almanac and one was featured by U. S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser on his website, American Life in Poetry. Sinclair Community College awarded him the Paul Laurence Dunbar Memorial Poetry Prize in 2009, and he was named Ohio Poet of the Year in 2014.
Garrison, who wrote the lyrics to the Wright State Alma Mater, received his Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins University. He taught Spanish and Portuguese at Wright State from 1979-2009 and chaired the Department of Modern Languages from 1999-2007. He lives in Oakwood with his wife, Suzanne Kelly-Garrison, a Lecturer in the Raj Soin College of Business and author of the novel, Stolen Child.