Strategic Plan

Working Group Members

Bridge Strategic Plan 2023–2025

Objective One: Student success—transformational student experience

Student services Subgroup Facilitator: Susan Schaurer, Vice President for Enrollment Management

  1. Chris Taylor, Ph.D., Dean of Students
  2. Tim Littell, Associate Vice Provost, Student Success
  3. Jennifer McCamis, Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions
  4. Bob Grant, Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
  5. Gretchen Rentz, Director, Student Services, Lake Campus
  6. Karen Wilhoit, University Librarian
  7. Denise Anderson, Strategic Planning and Resource Analyst
  8. Blake Bailey, President, Student Government Association
  9. Andy Platt, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
  10. Emily Yantis-Houser, Assistant Director, LGBTQA Center
  11. Frank Wolz, Staff Senate President
  12. Brian Boyd, Ph.D., Faculty Senate President

Academic Subgroup Facilitator: Amy Thompson, Ph.D., Provost

  1. Carol Loranger, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
  2. Laura Luehrmann, Ph.D., Chair, School of Social Sciences and International Studies
  3. Tom Gunlock, Chair, Board of Trustees
  4. Amanda Spencer, Director, Academic Advising, Staff Senate Chair-Elect
  5. Megan Faragher, Ph.D., Vice President, Faculty Senate
  6. Sarah McGinley, Senior Lecturer, English co-requisite, Faculty Senator
  7. Peggy Kelly, Academic Director, Developmental Mathematics
  8. Betsy Jo Crites, Lecturer, Lake Campus
  9. Jim Denniston, Ph.D., Dean, College of Health, Education, and Human Services

Objective Two: Advancing knowledge through research, entrepreneurship, and creative endeavors

Facilitator: Madhavi Kadakia, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Research and Innovation

  1. Ayse Sahin, Ph.D., Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
  2. Dan Zehringer, D.M.A., Chair, School of Fine and Performing Arts
  3. Mandy Shannon, Associate University Librarian
  4. Rachel Sturm, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Management
  5. Subhashini Ganapathy, Ph.D., Chair, Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering and Chair, Intel Initiative
  6. Clintoria Williams, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, College of Science & Mathematics/Boonshoft School of Medicine
  7. Stephen Jacquemin, Ph.D., Professor, Science and Mathematics, Lake Campus
  8. Raj Kejriwal, Secretary, Board of Trustees
  9. Tom Traynor, Ph.D., Dean, Raj Soin College of Business

Objective Three: Forging and sustaining strong, collaborative relationships

Facilitator: Greg Sample, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer

  1. Bill Bigham, Interim Vice President, Advancement
  2. Lance Cauley, Associate Director, Career Services
  3. Valerie Weber, M.D., Dean, Boonshoft School of Medicine
  4. Ricky Peters, National Trustee, Board of Trustees
  5. Andrea Faber, Ph.D., Vice Provost and Chief Administrative Officer, Lake Campus
  6. Gary Schmidt, Ph.D., Dean, College of Liberal Arts
  7. Kurt Holden, Director, Public Safety
  8. Tracey Kramer, Director, Office of Partnerships and Field Experience
  9. Daniel Palmer, Government Affairs Specialist
  10. Michael Raymer, Ph.D., Interim Dean Computer Science and Engineering

Objective Four: Inclusive excellence

Facilitator: Matthew Chaney, Ed.D., Vice President for Inclusive Excellence

  1. Emily Hamman, Chief Human Resources Officer
  2. Tonya Mathis, School of Medicine Diversity Program Manager and HERC Director
  3. Mike Saville, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
  4. Huma Bashir, Ed.D., Chair, Human Services
  5. Shu Schiller, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Raj Soin College of Business
  6. Nate Tymes, Ph.D., Lecturer, Statistics and Mathematics, Lake Campus
  7. Carol Patitu, Ph.D., Chair, Leadership Studies
  8. Wayne Stark, Career Consultant, College of Liberal Arts
  9. Dave Hochstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, Lake Campus
  10. Chris Hogan, Director, Community Standards and Student Conduct
  11. Tom Webb, Director, Office of Disability Services, Staff Senator
  12. Michelle Streeter-Ferrari, Director, University Center for International Education
  13. Dawn Conway, Academic and Student Affairs Committee Chair, Board of Trustees

Objective Five: Resource management and sustainable operating budget

Facilitator: Burhan Kawosa, Associate Vice President for Financial Operations

  1. Ryan Black, Assistant Director, Fiscal Services
  2. Debra Radford, Director, Organizational Resourcing, Staff Senate Treasurer
  3. Sommer Todd, Interim Controller and Director, Fiscal Services
  4. Michael Stankas, Chief Information Officer
  5. Aaron Skira, Ed.D., Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
  6. Kim Everhart, Director, Financial Aid
  7. Eric Bennett, Ph.D., Associate Dean, BSOM and member, Faculty Senate Budget Priorities Committee
  8. Doug Fecher, Finance, Audit, Governance, and Compliance Committee Chair, Board of Trustees
  9. Kim Rex, Chief Administrative Officer, Boonshoft School of Medicine and Chief Executive Officer, Wright State Physicians, Inc.
  10. Debra Steele-Johnson, Ph.D., Faculty Senator, College of Science and Mathematics
  11. Brandon Morris, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Finance and Financial Services
  12. Javan Conley, Associate Vice President Facilities Operations
  13. Michelle Streeter-Ferrari, Director, University Center for International Education