Working Group Members
Bridge Strategic Plan 2023–2025
Objective One: Student success—transformational student experience
Student services Subgroup Facilitator: Susan Schaurer, Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Chris Taylor, Ph.D., Dean of Students
- Tim Littell, Associate Vice Provost, Student Success
- Jennifer McCamis, Assistant Vice President for Undergraduate Admissions
- Bob Grant, Director, Intercollegiate Athletics
- Gretchen Rentz, Director, Student Services, Lake Campus
- Karen Wilhoit, University Librarian
- Denise Anderson, Strategic Planning and Resource Analyst
- Blake Bailey, President, Student Government Association
- Andy Platt, Vice Chair, Board of Trustees
- Emily Yantis-Houser, Assistant Director, LGBTQA Center
- Frank Wolz, Staff Senate President
- Brian Boyd, Ph.D., Faculty Senate President
Academic Subgroup Facilitator: Amy Thompson, Ph.D., Provost
- Carol Loranger, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
- Laura Luehrmann, Ph.D., Chair, School of Social Sciences and International Studies
- Tom Gunlock, Chair, Board of Trustees
- Amanda Spencer, Director, Academic Advising, Staff Senate Chair-Elect
- Megan Faragher, Ph.D., Vice President, Faculty Senate
- Sarah McGinley, Senior Lecturer, English co-requisite, Faculty Senator
- Peggy Kelly, Academic Director, Developmental Mathematics
- Betsy Jo Crites, Lecturer, Lake Campus
- Jim Denniston, Ph.D., Dean, College of Health, Education, and Human Services
Objective Two: Advancing knowledge through research, entrepreneurship, and creative endeavors
Facilitator: Madhavi Kadakia, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Research and Innovation
- Ayse Sahin, Ph.D., Dean, College of Science and Mathematics
- Dan Zehringer, D.M.A., Chair, School of Fine and Performing Arts
- Mandy Shannon, Associate University Librarian
- Rachel Sturm, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Management
- Subhashini Ganapathy, Ph.D., Chair, Biomedical, Industrial & Human Factors Engineering and Chair, Intel Initiative
- Clintoria Williams, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, College of Science & Mathematics/Boonshoft School of Medicine
- Stephen Jacquemin, Ph.D., Professor, Science and Mathematics, Lake Campus
- Raj Kejriwal, Secretary, Board of Trustees
- Tom Traynor, Ph.D., Dean, Raj Soin College of Business
Objective Three: Forging and sustaining strong, collaborative relationships
Facilitator: Greg Sample, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
- Bill Bigham, Interim Vice President, Advancement
- Lance Cauley, Associate Director, Career Services
- Valerie Weber, M.D., Dean, Boonshoft School of Medicine
- Ricky Peters, National Trustee, Board of Trustees
- Andrea Faber, Ph.D., Vice Provost and Chief Administrative Officer, Lake Campus
- Gary Schmidt, Ph.D., Dean, College of Liberal Arts
- Kurt Holden, Director, Public Safety
- Tracey Kramer, Director, Office of Partnerships and Field Experience
- Daniel Palmer, Government Affairs Specialist
- Michael Raymer, Ph.D., Interim Dean Computer Science and Engineering
Objective Four: Inclusive excellence
Facilitator: Matthew Chaney, Ed.D., Vice President for Inclusive Excellence
- Emily Hamman, Chief Human Resources Officer
- Tonya Mathis, School of Medicine Diversity Program Manager and HERC Director
- Mike Saville, Ph.D., P.E., Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering
- Huma Bashir, Ed.D., Chair, Human Services
- Shu Schiller, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Raj Soin College of Business
- Nate Tymes, Ph.D., Lecturer, Statistics and Mathematics, Lake Campus
- Carol Patitu, Ph.D., Chair, Leadership Studies
- Wayne Stark, Career Consultant, College of Liberal Arts
- Dave Hochstein, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Psychology, Lake Campus
- Chris Hogan, Director, Community Standards and Student Conduct
- Tom Webb, Director, Office of Disability Services, Staff Senator
- Michelle Streeter-Ferrari, Director, University Center for International Education
- Dawn Conway, Academic and Student Affairs Committee Chair, Board of Trustees
Objective Five: Resource management and sustainable operating budget
Facilitator: Burhan Kawosa, Associate Vice President for Financial Operations
- Ryan Black, Assistant Director, Fiscal Services
- Debra Radford, Director, Organizational Resourcing, Staff Senate Treasurer
- Sommer Todd, Interim Controller and Director, Fiscal Services
- Michael Stankas, Chief Information Officer
- Aaron Skira, Ed.D., Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- Kim Everhart, Director, Financial Aid
- Eric Bennett, Ph.D., Associate Dean, BSOM and member, Faculty Senate Budget Priorities Committee
- Doug Fecher, Finance, Audit, Governance, and Compliance Committee Chair, Board of Trustees
- Kim Rex, Chief Administrative Officer, Boonshoft School of Medicine and Chief Executive Officer, Wright State Physicians, Inc.
- Debra Steele-Johnson, Ph.D., Faculty Senator, College of Science and Mathematics
- Brandon Morris, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Finance and Financial Services
- Javan Conley, Associate Vice President Facilities Operations
- Michelle Streeter-Ferrari, Director, University Center for International Education