Dear Campus Community,
I am pleased to share with you the members of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee, which will guide our planning process as we develop a new strategic plan for Wright State University. Committee members will guide our efforts to include a wide range of perspectives from our Wright State family and the broader community.
The committee members are:
- Julia Acosta, director of Latino, Asian and Native American Affairs
- Jay Albayyari, dean of the Lake Campus
- Jennifer Attenweiler, associate director of Residence Life
- David Baugham, president of Student Government Association
- Matt Boaz, chief diversity officer
- Walt Branson, chief business officer
- Michael Bridges, president of Peerless Technologies and Wright State trustee
- Timothy Broderick, associate dean for research affairs at the Boonshoft School of Medicine
- Bryan Bucklew, president and CEO of the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association
- Caroline Cao, professor of biomedical, industrial and human factors engineering
- Emanuel Clayton, director of the Math Learning Center
- Angela Clements, assistant vice president for advancement of the Boonshoft School of Medicine
- Ryan Fullenkamp, plumber, Physical Plant
- Seth Gordon, director of Veteran and Military Center
- Bill Holmes, associate vice president for international education
- Jonathan Jackson, manager of Desktop Services, CaTS
- Madhavi Kadakia, chair of the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Burhan Kawosa, senior lecturer of finance and financial services
- Douglas Leaman, dean of the College of Science and Mathematics
- Carol Loranger, chair of the Department of English
- Jeff Mercer, head baseball coach
- Sirisha Naidu, associate professor of economics
- Carol Patitu, chair of the Department of Leadership Studies in Education and Organizations
- Petey Peterson (pronouns: they/them/their), director of LGBTQA Affairs
- Gretchen Rentz, coordinator of development and community relations at Lake Campus
- Michael Roediger, director of the Dayton Art Institute
- Curtis Rowland, senior executive, U.S. Air Force
- Sara Seibert, biomedical sciences Ph.D. candidate
- Aaron Skira, chief data architect, Institutional Research and Analytics
- Amanda Spencer, interim director of University Academic Advising
- Tom Webb, director of Disability Services
- Sharon Wik, administrative specialist in the Department of Finance and Financial Services
- Korrin Ziswiler, strategic enrollment program director in the College of Education and Human Services
Joining me as leaders of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee are David Bright, chair of the Department of Management and International Business, and Michael Wiehe, director of the Applied Policy Research Institute.
The committee will be supported by staff members Debbie Kimpton, director of executive office operations; Mark Anderson, director of web development and strategy; Seth Bauguess, director of communications; and Katie Halberg, director of social media.
The steering committee will kick off its public activity on Friday, February 2, with a community dialogue in James F. Dicke Hall at the Wright State Lake Campus. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to noon and will focus on Wright State's mission and purpose from the Lake Campus perspective. Please register if you plan to attend.
The February 2 event will be the first of many opportunities in which community members and stakeholders can provide input during the strategic planning process. We will hold numerous forums, focus groups, and workshops throughout the spring, summer, and fall semesters.
Our new strategic planning process will guide Wright State University into the future by creating a vision and focus that directly aligns resources with our community's values, strengths, and the strategy built around them. The planning process will be continuous and will put Wright State in a position to thrive in higher education's changing environment, help the university achieve financial sustainability, and foster a campus atmosphere that provides our graduates with opportunities to excel in fields that define the future.
You can stay up to date with the strategic planning process by visiting I hope you will join us in boldly defining our future.
Warmest regards,
Cheryl B. Schrader, Ph.D.