Academic Advising

Writing Placement Assessment

Core Writing Placement Process

Visit the Core Writing Placement Process: Multiple Measures webpage to learn about our approach to ensure you are in the best writing class for your needs.

On this page:


Wright State's writing placement assessment is an online tool used to determine the correct English Composition course for you. The assessment consists of reading a provided article, writing a one-paragraph summary and an essay based on the article. Once you begin the assessment, you will have a 24-hour period to read the article, write, and upload your summary and essay.

Your work will be read by two or more faculty who teach first-year writing and can assess which Wright State class will work best for you.

Complete the Writing Assessment

If you are an incoming student or CCP applicant starting in Spring 2024 or future semester.

  1. Log in to your Admissions Portal using the email address and password you set up when applying to the University.
  2. Select the Writing Placement link

If you are a current Wright State student who started taking classes before Spring 2024.

  1. You will need your UID to complete your writing assessment.
    1. If you have forgotten your UID, contact the CaTS Help Desk at 937-775-4827.
  2. Complete the writing placement assessment

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I need my writing placement score because I have Orientation tomorrow. How can I test?

    While we encourage you to have your placement testing completed 10 days prior to Orientation, if you have not had the opportunity to complete your online writing placement assessment, your next best option is to complete these important steps as soon as you can, even if this means that you attend Orientation without the expected preparation. This means that you must still attend your scheduled Orientation, but when you come, your academic advisor might not be able to place you into your ideal writing course. You will be able to register for other courses.

  • What is the Writing Placement Assessment?

    Wright State's Writing Placement Assessment is an online tool used to determine the correct writing course for you. The assessment consists of reading the provided article, writing a one-paragraph summary and an essay based on the article. Once you begin the assessment, you will have a 24-hour period to read the article, write, and upload your summary and essay.

    Your work will be read by two or more faculty who teach first-year writing and can assess which Wright State class will work best for you.

    If you have earned credit for ENG 1100 through advanced placement (AP), or transfer credits, be sure to verify equivalency and document requirements with your academic advisor.

  • When is the Writing Placement Assessment recommended?

    Wright State's Writing Placement Test is available for students who would like the opportunity to try to place at a higher starting level in English than their HS GPA or standardized test scores (ACT or SAT) indicate. The Wright State writing placement assessment is recommended for students who do not have a HS GPA or valid standardized test scores (ACT or SAT).