Facility Operations

Excess and Surplus Property Management (ESPM)

ESPM Sale Information

ESPM Public Surplus Sales are tentatively scheduled for the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month. Sale hours are 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The upcoming sales dates are currently scheduled:

  • February 26 - Sale has been canceled for this day
  • March 12
  • March 26

On this page:

About ESPM

Excess and Surplus Property Management (ESPM) helps Wright State offices and departments dispose of university property that is no longer needed, like office furniture, supplies, equipment, and vehicles. Funds from the sale of surplus property are returned to the department or office.

Who can buy items from ESPM?

Anyone, including members of the general public, can purchase items or supplies from ESPM. You can save money by checking ESPM first for furniture, supplies, or equipment.

How do I buy something from ESPM?

The ESPM store is open for sales on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 143 Campus Services Building, or by appointment by calling 937-775-2071 or email espm@wright.edu.

How do I submit unneeded items to ESPM?

To submit items for disposal, please use an ESPM disposal requisition/1500 Form. You can order forms through Printing Services and send the form to ESPM at 031 Allyn Hall. Items submitted to ESPM are held for a period of 30 days, except for bid items that are held for a period of 45 days.

You can find the complete list of policies and procedures governing ESPM at University Policy 9410: Excess and Surplus Property Management.

How can I buy large items or unusual equipment?

Large items like vehicles or unusual equipment are listed for auction at govdeals.com. Search for Wright State University.

Where is the ESPM store?

The ESPM store is located in room 143 of the Campus Services Building.