Military Science Classes and Training Courses
On this page:
- Military Science Courses
- Leadership Labs
- Field Training Exercises
- Cadet Practical Field Training (CPFT)
- Cadet Professional Development Training
- Cadet Leader Training-Internships
Military Science Courses
All Military Science courses are worth 3 credits each. All contracted cadets are also required to take the corresponding lab portion. Courses are taught by United States Army senior leaders who have extensive and diverse military experience. You can view all Military Science courses through the Wright State University course catalog:
Leadership Labs
Leadership Labs are conducted weekly on Wednesday from 1430-1630 (2:30-4:30 p.m.) on the Wright State University campus. During Leadership Lab Cadets receive hands-on training and apply what they have been taught in their ROTC classes. Training during Lab includes Squad Tactical Exercises (STX), First Aid, Land Navigation, Drill and Ceremony, and Individual Movement Techniques. Contracted Cadets wear their uniform during Leadership Labs.
Field Training Exercises
Wright State Army ROTC currently conducts one Field Training Exercise per semester and is typically conducted at locations within Ohio or the surrounding states. Field Training Exercises are conducted over a weekend and allow cadets to put all of their training for the semester to practical use. MSIII Cadets are evaluated on the leadership skill while leading their assigned squad through a variety of training. During Field Training Exercises Cadets conduct task training, Squad Tactical Exercises, patrolling, patrol bases, basic rifle marksmanship, and land navigation.
Cadet Summer and Practical Field Training
As a Cadet in Army ROTC, there are various training opportunities available to you during the summer through the Cadet Practical Field Training (CPFT) program. CPFT affords highly qualified and motivated Cadets to attend some of the Army’s specialty schools. Type and number of courses may vary yearly:
- Basic Camp: The Cadet Basic Camp Course, conducted each summer at Fort Knox, Kentucky, is an accelerated and fast paced 30 Day training event. It focuses on critical military and leadership skills taught during the first two years of the Army ROTC Basic Course Instruction (Freshman and Sophomore classes). The Cadet Basic Course is based on a leadership development curriculum and situational training exercises that push cadets to their physical and mental limits, challenging them to discover their true leadership potential. When they finish, cadets are qualified to enroll in the Army ROTC Advanced Course (Junior and Senior classes). CDTs who have completed Basic Training or MSL 101 and 201 years consecutively do not have to attend basic camp.
- Advanced Camp: The ROTC Cadet Advanced Leader Course is the most important training event for an Army ROTC cadet. This summer training is usually conducted after the Junior Year of the ROTC curriculum and is considered the “Capstone Training Event” of the Leadership Development Program. The 40-day training event incorporates a wide range of subjects designed to develop and evaluate leadership ability, physical fitness and academic achievement. The challenges are rigorous and demanding, both mentally and physically. The Cadet Advanced Leader Course tests intelligence, common sense, ingenuity and stamina. These challenges provide a new perspective on an individual’s ability to perform exacting tasks and to make difficult decisions in demanding situations.
- Airborne School: There is nothing like leaping from an aircraft in flight with 600 of your closest buddies. Airborne School is a three-week course held at Fort Benning, Georgia. You will learn how to successfully parachute from various Army and Air Force aircraft. At the end of the course, you make five static-line jumps onto Fryar Drop Zone and earn the coveted parachutist badge. Airborne!
- Air Assault School: “Stand up, hook up, slide down the rope!” This school combines the utility of rappelling with the excitement of riding in helicopters. Also, students learn how to hook objects like howitzers and Humvee (HMMWV-High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) underneath hovering helicopters. Air Assault is as mentally challenging as it is physically demanding. It requires the student to be strong in both mind and body before attending. The reward for 10 days of hard work is the coveted air assault badge.
- Sapper Leader Course: Like to blow stuff up? This course trains select individuals in leadership skills, combat engineer and infantry battle drills, and specialized engineer and infantry techniques required to perform as a member of a Sapper Battalion. The course is also designed to build unit cohesion and Esprit de corps by training soldiers in troop leading procedures, demolitions (conventional and expedient), mountaineering operations, aerial operations, foreign weapons, land navigation, waterborne operations and contingency threats. The course culminates in an intense field training exercise that reinforces the use of battle drills and specialized engineer techniques learned throughout the course.
- Mountain Warfare Training: This school is not for the faint of heart. Mountain Warfare is a two-week school taught at Ethan Allen Firing Range in Jericho, Vermont. The course covers rappelling, rock climbing, mountain survival, land navigation, first aid and knots. The course is physically and mentally demanding, and you should definitely train up for it.
- Northern Warfare Course: Spend part of your summer climbing mountains and glaciers. This three-week course is held at Fort Greeley, Alaska, and is designed to teach you mountaineering, rock and glacier climbing, knots and cold-weather survival. The Northern Mountain Warfare Course is officially titled the Basic Mountaineering Course (BMC) on the School Home Page.
- Combat Diver Qualification Course (CDQC): The CDQC is a 6 week course conducted in Key West, Florida. Prior to being eligible for CDQC, Cadets are required to pass a pre-CDQC course. Pre-CDQC consists of physical training, pool sessions and long distance surface swims.
- Cadet Leadership Development Course: The Cadet Leadership Development Course is located at the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC). Cadets receive instruction in leadership skills through the implementation of basic light-infantry tactics, techniques, and skills. The training primarily focuses on physical conditioning, risk assessment, land navigation, weapons (rifle), small-unit operations and principles, and air-assault-operations planning. Intense focus is given to performance in leadership positions and situational and field-training exercises. Only contracted Cadets are authorized to attend WHINSEC. Cadets do not receive pay and allowances for this course. This is a four week course taught by the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC) at Fort Benning, GA.
- Cadet Field Training (CFT): CFT is a month-long course which introduces Cadets to squad and platoon level tactics and the many associated challenges of leading soldiers in a tactical environment. This course is conducted at the Unites States Military Academy’s Camp Buckner (USMA).
Cadet Professional Development Training
- Cadet Troop Leader Training (CTLT): The CTLT Platoon Leader track provides Cadets the opportunity to experience leadership in an Army unit. The Cadets are assigned a mentor and serve in a Lieutenant level leadership position for over a three to four week period gaining valuable Army and leadership experience.
Cadet Leader Training-Internships
The internship track offers a myriad of opportunities for Cadets who seek additional training in specialized areas such as scientific application, engineering, nursing, medicine, intelligence, cultural awareness, and language proficiency. The internship types, locations, and allocations change significantly from year to year. These programs are meant primarily for Cadets who have completed their MSI and MSII years. To learn more visit