Welcome to the Office of the Bursar


Explore Tuition and Fees

Tuition and fees vary depending on your classification, residency status, and academic program. 


Access Your Account

Access your account and set up an Authorized User. 


Manage Your Money

Use our Cost Estimator and find Money Management resources.


Receive Your Refund

You can also find instructions for Receiving Refunds: Parents.


Get Your Wright1 Card

Your Wright1 Card is a pre-paid debit card, library card, meal card, and access card. You can also receive discounts at many area merchants.



Mission Statement

The Office of the Bursar utilizes innovative technology to execute its core responsibilities of billing and collecting tuition, fees, campus housing and other university-related charges, banking, and treasury services in an efficient, cost-effective manner. We invoice third-party agencies that provide educational benefits for student tuition, audit student accounts, process student refunds, and oversee the servicing and collection of University and Perkins/Health Professions student loans and exit interviews. We provide leadership by assisting the university community with e-commerce initiatives and Payment Card Industry – Data Security Standards (PCI-DSS) compliance.