Office of Disability Services

Accommodations and Support for Employees

Faculty: Explore our Faculty Guide for procedures and best practices for the accommodation and inclusion of Wright State students with disabilities.

Employee Accommodations

Faculty and staff with a disability may request a reasonable accommodation under the ADA. Visit the Request Accommodations webpage to learn more.

University Resources

Human Resources Resources for Employees

  • Family and Medical Leave (FMLA): FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of job-protected leave to eligible employees under certain circumstances.
  • Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Impact Solutions, the university’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) vendor, can help you reduce stress, improve mental health, and make life easier by connecting you to the right information, resources, and referrals. All services are confidential, and available to all employees—regardless of benefit eligibility—and the employee’s parents and parents-in-laws and family members in their home, as well as dependents living away from home (up to the age of 26).

Support for Employees and Students

  • Wright State Cares: Sometimes, the kind of emotional or resource-based help and support that person needs can be more than you are able or comfortable to provide. When that happens, support them by notifying the CARE Team to coordinate a response. Visit Wright State Cares to learn more.
  • Ombuds Office: When you are concerned about an issue, you may wish to consult with a neutral party who can help you to acquire perspective and assess a range of alternatives. The Wright State Ombuds Office provides a confidential environment where you can do just that, whether you are a faculty member, a student, or a staff member. To the extent that disclosure of information about a student’s life at the university is permitted by law, parents or legal guardians of students may also receive our assistance.

Complaints and Reporting

  • Anonymous Reporting: Wright State University is providing this Anonymous Reporting service because we want to know about any potentially illegal or unethical activity at Wright State so we can address and correct it.
  • Bias-Related Incident Reporting: A bias-related incident is any event directed toward an individual or group based upon actual or perceived identity characteristics or background, including but not limited to: race, sex (including gender identity/expression), color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, military status, or sexual orientation. Such acts may result in creating a hostile environment and may have a negative psychological, emotional, or physical impact on an individual, group, and/or community. Bias-related incidents may occur without regard to whether the act is legal, illegal, intentional, or unintentional. Learn more about Bias-Related Incident Reporting.
  • Disability Discrimination Complaint Procedure: Visit the Disability Discrimination Complaint Procedure page for avenues for filing a complaint or grievance in relation to ADA accommodations.