Help us make our community a greener place - keep recyclables out of the landfills!
Who: Everyone
When: During business hours
What: Electronics and Battery Recycling
Where: Batteries – Drop off in Biological Sciences II – Room 047 | Electronics – Loading dock of Millett Hall
BATTERIES: Bring batteries to Biological Sciences Building 2, Room 047 during normal business hours for recycling. We accept all batteries, whether WSU purchased or personal. Cell phone, laptop, rechargeable, button cells, alkaline, etc...
ELECTRONICS: Bring your PC's, printers, TV's, Cell Phones, Chargers to the loading dock of Millett Hall during normal business hours for recycling. Whether WSU purchased or from home, we will accept these items and want to make it as easy as possible for you to do the right thing!
NITRILE GLOVES: WSU is participating with Kimberly-Clark to take the next step in reducing our waste stream. The RightCycle program by Kimberly-Clark diverts laboratory nitrile gloves and turns them into the raw materials used to create eco-friendly consumer products and durable goods. We encourage you to drop by the Department of Environmental Health and Safety to try out these recyclable nitrile gloves for yourself.