Holiday closure

Winter Break: Monday, December 23 through Wednesday, January 1
Wright State University administrative and academic offices will be closed.

Organizational Effectiveness Lecture Series (OELS)


Dr. Scott Taylor

Dr. Scott Taylor is an expert in positive leadership development. His research has focused especially on the emotional and social competencies of leaders, focusing specific attention on how to help people develop an understanding of how their actions create organizational impacts. He has an MBA with concentrations in organizational behavior and human resource policy and a PhD in organizational behavior from Case Western Reserve University.

Scott is currently a professor in the Anderson School of Business, University of New Mexico, where he is a Daniels Fund Business Ethics Fellow and an Anderson Foundation Fellow. Scott has extensive experience both studying and practicing leadership development. He has worked for nearly 20 years as a consultant and scholar with organizations such as Ernst & Young, Sabre, and Fifth-Third Bank, among many others. Prior to joining the University of New Mexico, he was a faculty member at the School of Management, Boston University, and currently he works nationwide with clients through the Weatherhead Executive Education program at Case Western Reserve University.

Ms. Jaclyn Smith

Ms. Jaclyn Smith is the Vice President of CareSource University at CareSource, a Medicaid managed care organization. She is a learning and performance professional with over 20 years of experience, and has worked in a variety of organizations and industries in both the for-profit and not-for-profit sectors as well as running her own Learning & Performance firm. At CareSource, she oversees corporate learning, organizational development, and succession planning as well as the company’s performance management processes. Jackie lives with her husband in Dayton, Ohio.

Jaclyn has presented national and regional conferences on a variety of skills and building the case for corporate universities. Her educational background includes a degree in Education from Miami University, Ohio and Luxembourg. In addition, she is a certified facilitator in a variety of training and development programs, organizational assessments and Myers-Briggs profiling and has served as an adjunct faculty member for professional development at Antioch McGregor in Ohio. As a volunteer, she is active in leading business teams into developing countries where they teach business principles and provide consulting services for local leaders.

Lauren Piero

Associate E-Learning Consultant, CareSource. Lauren helps develop synchronous and asynchronous courses as well as instructor-led courses. Lauren is a 2012 Wright State University graduate.