2020-21 Officers and Members
Faculty President
Laura Luehrmann (2021) (EC) [see 7/19/2019 announcement]
Faculty Vice President
Brian Boyd (2021) (EC) [see October 2019 special election page]
Faculty Senate Parliamentarian
Thomas Rooney [Summer 2020 - January 2021]
Mike Raymer [January 2021 - ]
Elected Faculty Senators
Business, Raj Soin College of
- John Martin (2021.v) (EC)
- Rachel Sturm (2022)
- Scott Williams (2022)
Education & Human Services, College of
- Hannah Chai (2021)
- Huma Bashir (2022) (EC)
Engineering & Computer Science, College of
- Fred Garber (2021) (EC)
- Subhashini Ganapathy (2022)
- Mateen Rizki (2022)
Lake Campus
- Megan Faragher (2021) (EC)
- Steven Pedler (2022)
Liberal Arts, College of
- Liam Anderson (2021)
- Susan Carrafiello (2021) (EC)
- Ameila Hubbard (2021)
- Noeleen McIlvenna (2021)
- Sarah McGinley (2022)
- Hope Jennings (2022)
Medicine, Boonshoft School of
- Marietta Orlowski (2021)(EC)
- Eric Bennett (2021)
- Irina Overman (2021)
- Terry Oroszi (2022)
Nursing & Health, College of
- Jennifer Barbee-Crim (2021.v)
- Misty Richmond (2021) (EC)
Professional Psychology, School of
- Jeffrey Cigrang (2021) (EC)
Science & Mathematics, College of
- Adrian Corbett (2021)
- Rebecca Teed (2021)
- Ivan Medvedev (2022)
- Eric Rowley (2022)
- Dawn Wooley (2022) (EC)
Terms expire at the end of Spring Semester of the stated year. Years ending in .v indicate the Senator was appointed to fill a vacated seat until the next general election.
(EC)–Denotes Senate Executive Committee representative.