Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Faculty Governance?

    Faculty  governance  is  a  crucial  component  of  the  shared  responsibility  for  decision-­making  by  all  institutional  constituencies.  It  is  a  central  value  of  American  higher  education.  At  Wright  State  University  faculty  governance  is  grounded  in  the  founding  of  the  university,  beginning  with  the  establishment  of  Academic  Council  in  1966.  In  the  early  years  governance  also  included  quarterly  General  Faculty  Meetings.  Academic  Council  evolved  into  Faculty  Senate  in  June  1997  and  General  Faculty  Meetings  were  eliminated  in  May  2005  when  faculty  approved  a  revised  Faculty  Constitution.  A  general  meeting  of  the  university  faculty  may  be  called  at  need  by  the  Senate.

  • What role does Faculty Governance play at Wright State?

    from Faculty Constitution Article I

    Section 1. Powers and Duties

    1. The University Faculty, in consultation with the University President and the University Provost, shall formulate codes of operating procedures governing all aspects of the academic program, admissions, academic standards, student affairs, faculty affairs not covered by the bargaining agreement, and other fields of university operation composed of academic and professional subject matter. The University President shall present such recommended operating procedures to the Board of Trustees for their consideration, amendment, confirmation, or rejection.
    2. The University Faculty shall determine the curricula leading to all degrees and certification programs offered by the university and shall determine the content of all courses in such curricula.
    3. The University Faculty shall determine the requirements for each degree offered by the university.
    4. The University Faculty shall make recommendations to the University President or Provost and to the AAUP-WSU concerning the annual academic calendar of the university.
    5. The University Faculty shall nominate all students to whom degrees shall be granted. Such nominations shall be submitted to the Board of Trustees through the University President.
    6. The University Faculty can:
      1. Initiate and consider policy proposals and express its judgment on those policy proposals submitted to it by the University President or officers of the various academic divisions of the university;
      2. Investigate, discuss, and make recommendations to any appropriate body within the university regarding any matter of interest to the university;
      3. Request information through appropriate channels from any member of the university.
  • What else does Faculty Governance do?

    The  Faculty  Senate  conducts  monthly  meetings  to  carry  out  business  pertaining  to  shared  governance.  These  meetings  are  conducted  according  to  Robert’s  Rules  of  Order.  Faculty  Senate  has  numerous  standing,  administrative  and  ad  hoc  committees  which  consider  and  create  policy,  approve  curricula,  and  make  recommendations  on  other  aspects  of  university  operations.  A  complete  listing  of  Senate  committees  and  their  responsibilities  can  be  found  on  the  Faculty  Senate  website.

  • How does the Faculty Senate represent me?

    Each  college  is  proportionally  represented  by  elected  Senators  based  on  the  number  of  fully-affiliated  faculty  in  the  college.  The  Faculty  Constitution  governs  eligibility  to  serve,  terms  of  office,  and  conduct  of  elections.  By  electing  Senators,  you  are  putting  your  trust  in  them  to  represent  your  college.  Senators  should  report  back  to  their  constituents  on  Senate  activities,  seek  input  on  decision-­making  and  listen  to  your  concerns  regarding  matters  under  the  Senate’s  purview.

  • How do my department and college fit in?

    Your  department  and  college  have  committees  that  may  be  similar  to,  but  are  not  affiliated  with,  the  committees  of  Faculty  Senate  (University/Senate  Committees).    Department  and  college  committees  operate  independently  of  the  Senate  but  forward  their  business  to  the  appropriate  university  committee  for  review  and  approval  by  the  Faculty  Senate  or  its  delegate.  

  • What resources will help me understand my part in faculty governance?

    The Faculty Constitution was first created in 1968 as a governing document for faculty.  The Faculty Constitution undergoes quadrennial review, and academic policies are reviewed at minimum every five years. The Faculty Constitution is also part of Wright State University’s policies which cover all aspects of university operations. There you can find policies governing faculty (series 2000), students (series 3000), academic standards and curriculum (series 4000), research, graduate students and programs (series 5000) and conduct of research (series 6000). The university policies page also includes links to the TET and NTEF collective bargaining agreements and college and department bylaws. You will find these resources instrumental in successfully navigating your teaching career here at Wright State University.

  • I would like to serve on a Faculty Senate Committee. What do I do?

    Each year, in mid-­spring semester, the Faculty Office invites faculty members to indicate their willingness to serve on Senate standing committees by noting their first, second, and third choices on a list provided, and returning it to the Faculty Office. Faculty may also indicate willingness to serve on ad hoc committees as needed.

    After the results of those committee preference responses have been tabulated, the
    Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate meets to fill all committee appointments. The Executive Committee member from each college has the responsibility of selecting representatives to each committee from his/her constituency. Filling out a form does not guarantee that you will represent your college on a University committee.

  • What is the ultimate goal of Faculty Governance?

    Our goal is to provide a clear faculty voice in the creation of university policy, curriculum, and programs.