Spring 2017 - Slate of Candidates
Fully-affiliated college faculty will be able to vote for Faculty President, Faculty Vice President, and Faculty Senator(s) from their college. College voters will be able to vote for as many candidates as there are open Senate seats in their college. University-wide administrators with a fully-affiliated faculty rank will be able to vote for Faculty President & Faculty Vice President, but will not receive a college ballot. All voting records are confidential.
All positions up for election have a two year term; AY2017-18 & AY2018-19.
Faculty Officer Candidates
Faculty President – elect one
Travis Doom (CECS) (Statement) (CV)
Faculty Vice President – elect one
Brian Boyd (CEHS) (CV)
Marty Emmert (CECS) (CV)
Dan Krane (COSM) (CV)
Dawn Wooley (COSM) (CV)
Faculty Senator Candidates
Faculty Senator (BSOM) – elect three
F. Javier Alvarez-Leefmans
David Cool
David Mirkin
Ramzi Nahhas
Marietta Orlowski
Nicholas Reo
Faculty Senator (CECS) – no open seats
Faculty Senator (CEHS) – elect one
Huma Bashir
Yoko Miura
Faculty Senator (COLA) – elect four
Pascale Abadie
Susan Carrafiello
James Carter
Ava Chamberlain
Daryl Hausman
Caroline Hillard
Tracy Longley-Cook
Margorie McLellan
Barry Milligan
Sean Pollock
Julianne Weinzimmer
Sean Wilson
Faculty Senator (CONH) – elect one
Ann Bowling
Rosemary Eustace
Sherry Farra
Yi-Hui Lee
Faculty Senator (COSM) – elect three
Gary Burns
Weifu Fang
Dan Krane
Eric Rowley
Bridgett Severt
Faculty Senator (LAKE) – elect one
Megan Faragher
Dave Hochstein
Faculty Senator (RSCOB) – elect two
Berkwood Farmer
Burhan Kawosa
Larry Weinstein
Faculty Senator (SOPP) – elect one
Michelle Schultz