Admin Committee Charges
Student Conduct Panels (coordinated by the Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct)
Conduct Review Panel (CRP) (Judicial Review Panel)
- Composition: Composed of members of the University community, including faculty, staff, and students. A student will be designated by the Director or designee to serve as the chair. Quorum to conduct a hearing shall consist of at least one faculty or staff member and two students.
- How Appointed: Faculty members are appointed by the Faculty Senate. Staff and student panel members are appointed by the Director or designee.
- Jurisdiction: Adjudication of any violation of the Code of Student Conduct.
- Term of Office: One academic year. (Appointment for additional years of service is permitted.)
- Authority: May assign any sanction provided for in the Code.
Gender-Based Harassment and Violence Hearing Panel (GBHVP) (sub-panel of CRP)
- Composition: Composed of members of the University community, including faculty, staff and students. The Director of CSSC or designee will serve as the chair. Quorum to conduct a hearing is at least four panel members consisting of two university employees (faculty and/or staff) and one student in addition to the Director or designee.
- How Appointed: Faculty members are chosen from the CRP members appointed by the Faculty Senate. Staff and student panel members are appointed by the Director or designee.
- Jurisdiction: Adjudication of any GBHV violations of the Code of Student Conduct as well as other violations arising from the same incident.
- Term of Office: One academic year. (Appointment for additional years of service is permitted.)
- Authority: May assign any sanction provided for in the Code.
Academic Integrity Hearing Panel (AIHP)
- Composition: Composed of faculty members, one of whom is designated as the chair by Faculty Senate, and students. Quorum to conduct a hearing shall consist of two faculty members and one student.
- How Appointed: The University Faculty Senate president and Director will collaborate to recommend a chair, and multiple members for Faculty Senate ratification to the Faculty Executive Committee for approval by the Faculty Senate. The Director or designee will appoint student representatives.
- Jurisdiction: Adjudicates cases of academic dishonesty when a student wishes to dispute the allegation of academic misconduct by a professor. This panel also determines if additional sanctions are necessary for repeated violations of academic misconduct.
- Term of Office: The chair will serve for a term of two academic years. All other panel members will serve a term of one academic year. (Appointment for additional years of service is permitted.)
- Authority: May assign any sanction provided for in the Code.
University Appeals Panel (UAP)
- Composition: Composed of faculty members, one of whom is designated as the chair by Faculty Senate, and students. Quorum to conduct a hearing shall consist of two faculty members and one student.
- How Appointed: The University Faculty Senate president and Director will collaborate to recommend a chair, and multiple members for Faculty Senate ratification. The Director or designee will appoint student representatives.
- Jurisdiction: Serves as the appellate body of any “B” violation or AIHP where the sanction issued is non-academic related. The panel is responsible for determining if University policies and procedures were followed including verifying if decisions were adequately supported by the documentation, witnesses, etc. and for reviewing sanction(s) imposed for appropriateness.
- Term of Office: The chair will serve for a term of two academic years. All other panel members will serve a term of one academic year. (Additional years of service are permitted.)
- Authority: The appeals panel may affirm any part of or the entire decision of the Conduct Review Panel or Director/designee or remand back the case to the original hearing panel or Director/designee. The appellate decision of the panel is final.
Committees coordinated by the College of Graduate Programs and Honors Studies
Honors Committee
- Serves as a Faculty Advisory Board to the University Honors Program.
- One faculty from each undergraduate college, plus student representative(s) chosen by the Honors Program
Graduate Faculty Membership Committee
In accordance with policy 2160, reviews graduate faculty nominations and make recommendations regarding those nominations to the Graduate School and Faculty Senate.
OTHER Committees
Woods Conservatory Committee (coordinated between CoSM Woods Faculty and University Facilities Office)
Provide faculty oversight of the University Woods, ensure that educational and research uses of the University Woods are represented in policy or planning decisions, facilitate the development of a marked trails system, and make recommendations for conservation easements.
One faculty member from each college, one non-voting member representing Facilities Management & Planning.
Undergraduate Student Petitions Committee (coordinated between the Office of the Registrar and College Dean's Offices)
- The Committee shall review the actions of the colleges’ and schools' undergraduate petitions committees (or counterparts) and shall have the authority to confirm or change such actions to ensure an equitable application of academic regulations for all undergraduate students. Responsibilities include a monthly meeting except for July during the calendar year, keeping minutes and attendance, providing the Faculty Senate Executive Committee with a copy of meeting minutes within seven working days of meetings, and submitting other reports to the Faculty Senate as requested. All changes to charges and policies of the committee must be approved by Faculty Senate.
- The Committee shall be composed of one (1) representative each from the Raj Soin College of Business, the College of Liberal Arts, the College of Health, Education and Human Services, the College of Engineering and Computer Science, the College of Science and Mathematics, University College and Lake Campus selected by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee at the end of spring semester. These representatives to the Undergraduate Student Petitions Committee shall be ex officio members of their college’s undergraduate student petitions committee. In addition, two (2) undergraduate students are to be appointed by Student Government by the beginning of the fall term. Also, two representatives from the Office of the University Registrar shall be ex-officio, non-voting members of the committee. Alternate representation from each of the aforementioned entities should also exist. Each member of the committee or alternate is responsible for attending a monthly meeting scheduled prior to the beginning of the academic year by the registrar's office. The chairperson of the committee shall be appointed by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee and shall be one of the members of the eight units delineated above. The committee also shall be empowered to examine other university issues relating to its areas of concern and contribute opinions and suggestions concerning these issues as desired.
Commencement Committee (coordinated between Faculty Office and Office of Ceremonies)
The Commencement Committee will consist of nine (9) members: six (6) faculty representatives who are appointed by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate and three (3) student members who are appointed from among the elected student representatives of the Student Government. A quorum for this Committee shall be three (3) faculty members and one (1) student member.
The terms of Commencement Committee members will be as follows:
- Six faculty members will be appointed for staggered three year terms.
- Three (3) students will serve a one (1) year term.
No faculty member may serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.
The chair of the Commencement Committee will be appointed from among the six faculty members by the Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate.
One member of the Commencement Committee will serve as an ex-officio member of a Commencement Implementation Committee, which is convened, as necessary, by the University Director of Ceremonies. A representative of the Commencement Implementation Committee will also be invited to serve as an ex-officio non-voting member of the Commencement Committee.
The Faculty Senate is responsible for oversight of all academic components of Commencement Ceremonies. The Commencement Committee provides Faculty input regarding Commencement Ceremonies and makes Honorary Degree recommendations to the University President.