Graduate Programs Virtual Open House


Graduate and Honors Student Advisory Board

GPHS Advisory Board

The Graduate and Honors Student Advisory Board (GHSAB) aims to provide representation, services, and advocacy for graduate, professional, and Honors students at Wright State University.

The Board shall serve as a central representation to make recommendations to the Dean of the College of Graduate Programs and Honors Studies. The Board strives to improve the academic, social, and professional lives of students and specifically to:

  1. Identify ways to promote and support academic research efforts of Wright State University graduate, professional, and Honors students.
  2. Promote ethical behavior in research and academic endeavors.
  3. Identify and address the professional development needs of Wright State graduate, professional, and Honors students.
  4. Act as liaison between the College of Graduate Programs and Honors Studies and other Wright State University units to support graduate, professional, and Honors students.
  5. Gather socially and academically to create a network of multi-disciplinary professionals by hosting academic and social events each academic term.
  6. Represent all graduate, professional, and Honors students in endeavors initiated by and related to this organization.
  7. Appoint graduate, professional, and Honors students as representatives to sub-committees, University committees, and faculty senate committees when appropriate to ensure there is student input on all relevant matters concerning the University.
  8. Establish bylaws, policies, and procedures consistent with the constitution by which the GHSAB shall function.
  9. Examine and reaffirm the constitution, bylaws, policies, and procedures annually.

Are you interested in serving on the Board? Submit the application form.

Board Members


Rahul M. Shah

Graduate Student
Student college:
College of Science & Mathematics
Student major:
Biomedical Sciences

Vice President of Events & Social Media

Anna Bubulya

Undergraduate Student
Student college:
College of Science & Mathematics
Student major:

Vice President of Finance & Treasurer

Cassandra Lynn Poeppelman

Graduate Student
Student college:
College of Science & Mathematics
Student major:
Biomedical Sciences

Vice President of Public Relations

Heather L Wicker

Professional Student
Student college:
College of Health, Education & Human Services
Student major:
Clinical Psychology

Vice President of Research & Secretary

Mili Santosh Bhakta-Yadav

Graduate Student
Student college:
College of Science & Mathematics
Student major:
Biomedical Sciences

Other Members

Ndey Sukai Ceesay

Graduate Student
Student college:
College of Liberal Arts
Student major:
Public Administration

Lakshmi Sneha Kaveti

Graduate Student
Student college:
Boonshoft School of Medicine
Student major:
Public Health