Honors Blitz Competition
On this page:
- About the Honors Blitz Competition
- Eligibility
- Application
- Competition Rules
- Reviewing and Selection
- Evaluation
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Presentation Tips
- Previous Events
About the Honors Blitz Competition
Wednesday, March 12, 2025, 2—5 p.m.
Endeavor Room, Student Union
Are you an Honors student working on a project related to your major? Are you interested in sharing it with the Wright State community? The Honors Blitz Competition may be the right thing for you. You’ll be challenged to present your project to a very broad audience. You’ll develop strong communication skills for networking, job interviews, and more!
Important Dates
- December 5, 2024, and January 22, 2025, 1-2 p.m.: Q&A Sessions in UH 158.
- February 7, 2025, at Noon: Application Deadline. Detailed requirements are in the "Application" section below.
- February 10, 2025: Competitors Announced
- February 21, 2025: Electronic Materials Submission Due
- February 28, 2025: Final Competition Schedule Released
- March 12, 2025: Competition Day, 2 p.m., Endeavour Room
- Participating students must be enrolled as active Honors students for the Spring 2025 semester.
- The student’s project must be original and related to their major.
- Students must compete as individuals; no team competition is allowed.
- Departmental honors projects are highly encouraged, but any project is eligible to apply.
- Applying early is also highly encouraged.
- A one-page project description or research abstract (max 300 words). This description/abstract should include the project’s title, methods, your intended presentation format, the project’s significance, and any other information you deem important.
- If your project is a departmental honors project, list your advisor in your submission.
- Select which category (science or humanities) your project best fits.
- Competitors must submit any digital presentation materials by the deadline (shown above).
Competition Rules
- All presentations are limited to 4 minutes maximum in length. Competitors exceeding 4 minutes will be disqualified.
- All materials will be loaded onto the provided computer prior to your presentation time. Use of a personal computer is not allowed.
- The use of profanity or other inappropriate content in any part of the presentation is cause for immediate disqualification, up to the discretion of the judging panel.
Reviewing and Selection
- All submissions will be reviewed by the Graduate & Honors Student Advisory Board. Submissions will be examined by iThenticate to ensure originality. Abstracts must properly cite and acknowledge others’ contributions to the work.
- A maximum of 10–12 applications will be accepted for the competition.
- Please refer to the FAQ for any inquiries.
- The competition will host two categories:
- Science (Math, Engineering, and other research-based sciences)
- Humanities (Arts, Social Sciences)
- A panel of judges will evaluate competitors based on the competition rubric
- The updated rubric will be released at the beginning of the Spring semester.
- Winners will be selected from each category:
- Up to one award of $200 will be awarded from each category, and certificates will be awarded to the first- and second-place winners from each category.
- The decision of the judging panel is final.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I present online?
Online format presentations are something we are considering for future events but are currently not accepting.
Can I use physical materials for my presentation?
The use of physical materials like notecards, poster boards, or models is permitted and must be indicated in your materials submission.
Which projects are chosen for competition?
All applications submitted by the deadline will be reviewed. Factors considered when determining competitors will include authenticity, creativity, passion, and conformity with the competition rubrics. Grammar and spelling in the application will also have an impact, so make sure to proofread.
Does the project need to be completed in order for me to present?
No! You can present about a project that is in progress if you feel you have enough to present on. Expected results will be an integral part of your presentation, especially for research projects, but the process involved in your project is also important.
What happens if my presentation goes over the time limit?
A countdown timer will be visible to presenters. Presenters who go over 4 minutes will be disqualified from the competition; however, you will not be interrupted until you reach 5 minutes. If you go over time, please wrap up your presentation in a timely manner.
Will the Honors Blitz Competition be open to the public?
Yes, all Wright State students and faculty will receive an invitation to the competition. Attendees are encouraged to invite fellow students and family members.
Is there a dress code for the competition?
Presenters are expected to dress formally or business casual, similar to how you’d dress for a conference presentation.
Will I receive feedback from judges on my presentation?
Judges will provide scores on grading sheets and may give brief written comments. Only written comments will be shared with competitors after the presentation; scores will not be shared.
Will my ranking/score be shared with participants?
Judges’ scores will all be confidential and will not be shared with competitors or the audience. Only the winners will be announced, not their scores.
Presentation Tips
- Make sure your presentation focuses on the “big picture”—even audience members with no prior knowledge of your field should be able to understand the basis of your project.
- The use of a university PowerPoint presentation template is strongly recommended for those using a PowerPoint presentation. Visit the PowerPoint and Research Poster Templates webpage to download the template.
- Spend time practicing your presentation. Speak clearly and concisely, and don’t slur your words!
- If you’re using a slideshow presentation, make sure any text is large enough to be legible from a distance. Try not to make slides too crowded.
- It is recommended to convert any slideshow presentations to PDF format before submission to preserve formatting.
- Use presentation notes or scripts sparingly—people will know if you’re just reading off your slides or a paper.
- Explain industry terms that a general audience might not understand.
- Read the rubric for your category thoroughly before creating your presentation!
- While physical and digital materials can be exciting and fun, they can also be distracting if used in excess. Consider exploring ways to keep your presentation engaging without compromising focus on your project.
Previous Events
The 2024 Honors Blitz Competition was held on Tuesday, April 9, 2024.
2024 Winners
First Place Winner for Humanities:
Miranda Stidham – College of Liberal Arts, English
First Place Winner for Sciences:
Keisha Barnes – College of Science and Mathematics, Neuroscience and Physiology, advisor: Dr. Andrew Voss