Staff FTE reductions are estimated to save the university roughly $250,000 for June and another $250,000 for July for a total of nearly $500,000.
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“Those are two states in the South where you could run into a problem with 12 young African American boys running around just being kids,” Hall said.
Times like these make me pause because we are stronger together and we can make a difference.
Sharon Lynette Jones, WSU professor of English language and literature, was one of five area experts the Dayton Daily News interviewed about combating systemic racism.
The resolution calls on all the members of the WSU community to refrain from divisive rhetoric and to support all athletics and student organizations of the university.
“Our campus is for everybody. It should be an inclusive community. That, in my mind, is our No. 1 mission.”
".. all we’ve managed to do is confine the infection to 3%. As soon as you let up on restrictions, the remaining 97% will be exposed."
“Our negotiator is a music professor. They (the university) already have two or three attorneys on their team — and they are calling in another.”
"We’ve been tasked in athletics at Wright State with $2 million in cuts — and that’s a lot. It’s about 20 percent," Athletic Director Bob Grant says.
“As has been the governing principle since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the safety and wellness of our students and employees has been our number one priority."