“American Factory,” directed by Julia Reichert and Steve Bognar, will be shown at the Neon movies at 12:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday, Jan. 17–19.
News and Announcements
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Retirees and government workers in the Ohio Public Employees Retirement System will shoulder higher costs for health care beginning Jan. 1, 2022.
The 3-point line was pushed back this season from 20 feet, 9 inches to the international distance of 22-1¾, and it’s had a noticeable impact.
Dan Krane gave platelets for his milestone 200th lifetime donation on Jan. 10 at the Dayton Community Blood Center.
Steve Bognar and Julia Reichert’s “American Factory” has been nominated for the Academy Awards in the documentary feature category.
“When I watched our guys tonight, it looked like everyone was carrying about 1,000 pounds on their backs."
OPERS trustees voted to eliminate the COLA in 2022 and 2023 for all retirees. That plan requires a law change, which has yet to be introduced in the General Assembly.
“Defensively, we were sharp. That’s where I’m most concerned. I felt like we did our job, and you can see what it did for us,” Coach Nagy said.
A final proposal put together by a group of faculty members was presented to the Board of Trustees in the fall.
“When a patient leaves an appointment with us, it is our hope that they will have one to three specific health-oriented goals they can take with them."