“I want to disrupt the rhythm of the other team. I would like more options,” he said, likely meaning more zones and pressure.
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Brandon Noel chose to stay at Wright State rather than jump ship for more Name, Image and Likeness money and national recognition in more ballyhooed leagues.
The controversy began from a debate on how STRS should invest money — through the current system of actively managed funds versus an index fund.
Steven Bognar has been working on the film for a year and a half, fully determined to make sure the end result was worthy of the couple’s pedigree.
With more than 3,000 trees and 165 native species, Woodland Cemetery is accredited as a Level II Arboretum.
“What happens between ages 14 and 24 in our lives tend to impact us in ways that we carry with us through our lifetimes,” Corey Seemiller said.
Come join Lee Hannah, Ph.D., and Paul Leonard, J.D., to debrief the election on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 1–2:30 p.m. in the Foundation Building.
New coach Clint Sargent has had an entire offseason to reflect on what went wrong in coach Scott Nagy’s final year.
"We worked really hard in the spring to pinpoint transfers that would fit our team well. We feel really good about all of them.”
It’s designed to allow more people into the MBA program so they can get an MBA from Wright State for less money.