Retirees Association

News and Announcements

See also:

Bob Grant and Scott Nagy

May 5, 2020

"I have enough confidence in our staff and how lean and mean we are and that mentality of punching above our weight class, so we’re going to do it,” said Grant.

Tom Hanks at ceremony

May 3, 2020

"No one will be more fresh to the task of restarting our measure of normalcy than you — you chosen ones.”

Medical student with Dad

May 3, 2020

“They’re going to be the front line soldiers out there fighting this pandemic for the next few months or maybe years.”

Men holding thank you signs

May 1, 2020

"If we’re not careful we’re going to negate everything we’ve done, all of this pain and suffering with the shutdowns will be for nothing,” Dawn Wooley said.

Susan Edwards

May 1, 2020

‘We’re not going out of business,’ WSU president says in interview.

Covid alert sign

May 1, 2020

Trustees heard a range of annual budget deficit projections Thursday, from $11 million to nearly $50 million if enrollment falls to 10,000.

Food distribution

Apr 30, 2020

Packages from the Dayton Foodbank were given to more than 1,200 people at the Thursday morning food distribution on campus.

campus shot

Apr 28, 2020

The campaign seeks to help students struggling with food, housing, lost wages, mental health, finances and education.

Juliet Corcillo

Apr 26, 2020

“I found the post on North American Rescue’s webpage and jumped on it immediately. I felt compelled to help. This feels like my 9/11.”

Campus scene

Apr 21, 2020

WSU leaders announced they were cutting administrators’ salaries by 20 percent, freezing contracts and capital projects and may have to consider job cuts.
