Student Profiles
Student Profile
Wright State anthropology major Katherine Dillard helped a local church secure funding to purchase hearing assistance technology as part of a Fundraising and Grant Writing course.
Student Profile
Eye on engagement
Wright State Ph.D. student Liam Stalker tracks how focus shapes learning
Liam Stalker, a Ph.D. student in human factors and industrial/organizational psychology at Wright State, researches eye movement to explore its impact on focus, productivity and efficiency.
Student Profile
Wright State first-generation student bowls over obstacles
Wright State student Paige Patterson is thriving in her business courses, on the women’s bowling team and as an intern with the Athletics Department.
Monday, March 17, 6:30 pm to Monday, March 31, 2025, 8 pm
McLin Gym
Who we are
Student Advocacy and Wellness
Location: 051 Student Union
24/7 On-call Phone: 937-260-0167
Office Phone: 937-775-3749