Student Involvement and Leadership Center

Commuter and Off-Campus Services

photo of students outside on campus

Your Home Away from Home

Commuter and Off-Campus Services GraphicJust as living on-campus, off-campus and commuter students have many opportunities before, in between, and after classes. Wright State University recognizes the specific needs of its off-campus and commuter students, including involvement opportunities, off-campus living advice, parking, dining, and more. Wright State is here to assist you because every student is important to our community.

Student Involvement and Leadership is here to provide you resources to make educated decisions regarding your commute to campus, off-campus living and roommate selection, and resources to encourage safe and responsible practices in the areas surrounding Wright State University. While you may not be on campus, we all share a collective responsibility to support and engage our neighbors.

Make the Most Out of Commuter Life

Many of our students commute to campus from home or nearby off-campus housing. While we know that you may have multiple roles and responsibilities, making the most out of your college experience makes you a better student and prepares you for life after college.


Get Involved

With hundreds of organizations to choose from, there is a place for everyone at Wright State! Get involved with the Commuter Student Association or browse Engage, Wright State’s student engagement platform. Become a student leader and maybe even join a Fraternity or Sorority.


Create a Routine

Get to campus early and stay all day long! Pack your schedule full of fun events and opportunities that make your college experience worthwhile. College is what you make out of it. So, long story short: stay on campus after class!


Explore Campus Dining

Lucky for you, there are a variety of meal options on campus. Dining Services offers inexpensive dining plans for commuter and off-campus students. Meal plans cost less than purchasing meals out-of-pocket. Set up a lunchtime study session with your classmates between classes!


Find Your Study Spot

The campus has a variety of study spaces available, including the first floors of the buildings in the Founders’ Quadrangle, the Student Success Center, and the Dunbar Library. Grab a friend and get your cram on — studying doesn’t have to be boring!


Experience #WrightLife

Being a Wright State student is more than a style or rank—it’s a way of life. Raiders are family, a pack—always looking out for one another. Don’t be afraid to say “Hello!” to your fellow Raiders and get to know your faculty and staff. We are all here to support you.


Stay Connected

The biggest misconception is that commuter students aren’t involved, students. Stay connected with campus and make the most out of your time at Wright State. Explore curricular and co-curricular opportunities for success. Follow university social media pages, listen to WWSU 106.9 FM on your way to campus, and read The Wright State Guardian in between classes.

Get Involved in Commuter Life

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