Student Involvement and Leadership Center

Fraternities and Sororities

photo of three students talking and laughing

Discover Greek Life at Wright State

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Interested in learning more about joining a fraternity or sorority at Wright State University? Learn more about recruitment and intake.

The Wright State University Greek community is united in its efforts to engage one another and the larger campus community in its commitment to achieving excellence in quality of membership, academics, service, and programming while leaving a legacy for the future fraternal community.

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Fraternities and Sororities at Wright State


AΦAAlpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.

Pi Phi Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 1986

Alpha Sigma Phi LettersAlpha Sigma Phi

Eta Psi Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 2016

Phi Beta Sigma LettersPhi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.

Alpha Beta Mu Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 2000


Delta Nu Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 1975

Sigma Phi Epsilon lettersSigma Phi Epsilon

Ohio Pi Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 1974


Alpha Kappa Alpha LettersAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

Epsilon Chi Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 1970

Alpha Omicron Pi LettersAlpha Omicron Pi

Kappa Delta Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 2015

Alpha Xi Delta lettersAlpha Xi Delta

Zeta Theta Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 1972

Delta Zeta lettersDelta Zeta

Kappa Iota Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 1972

Kappa Delta lettersKappa Delta

Eta Delta Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 2002

Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.
Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc.

Associate Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 2022

Sigma Gamma RhoSigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

Xi Xi Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 1996

Zeta Tau Alpha lettersZeta Tau Alpha

Eta Pi Chapter
Chapter Chartered: 1973

Why Choose Fraternity and Sorority Life?


first-to-second year retention rate


members on Dean's List


six-year graduation rate


Brotherhood and Sisterhood

Gain lifelong friendships with fellow members of fraternal organizations. The bonds of friendship are strengthened throughout your college years and beyond and are not only found amongst the local collegiate chapters but spread across the nation and the world.

Fraternities and sororities strive to combine their common goals and ideals of a brotherhood or sisterhood with the unique college experience. These organizations maintain active alumni relations programs that offer possibilities for career networking.



The fraternal community offers countless opportunities for exploring and developing leadership skills. These organizations offer leadership positions within the chapter and strongly encourage and require other leadership activities on campus and in the community. Fraternity and sorority members have made significant contributions to Wright State, are involved with countless clubs and organizations on campus, and offer guidance to new students wishing to get involved. Joining the fraternity and sorority community could be the best decision you make to grow as a leader.



The foundation of the college experience is a good education. Fraternity and sorority life is a plus that will help heighten your college experience. Academics are essential to fraternities and sororities at Wright State. Most Greek letter chapters require you to maintain a certain GPA to remain an active member. In many cases, the groups offer national scholarships to members that meet specific academic criteria.



One of the unique qualities of a fraternity or sorority member is the dedication to service. Each fraternity or sorority hosts its own philanthropic events to raise money or donates its time to a specific cause. They also assist the Wright State and Dayton area communities with the community and philanthropic efforts. Wright State University’s fraternity and sorority community members participate in various service projects and support various philanthropies, such as RAINN, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, Think Pink Foundation, Raiderthon, American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life, and other local and national organizations or events. Giving back to the university and the community are priorities Wright State Greeks emphasize. In 2018, our fraternity and sorority community reported $30,000 in philanthropy donations and 32,000 hours of community service!


Social Interaction

Through social activity schedules and philanthropic activities undertaken by fraternity and sorority chapters, members learn how to interact well with others, allowing their true selves to emerge. Encouraging self-development while nurturing individuals in the Greek community helps members in ways not possible in other groups.

Join a Fraternity or Sorority

Interested in learning more about joining a fraternity or sorority at Wright State University? Register for recruitment today.

College Panhellenic Council (CPH) Sororities

The College Panhellenic Council (CPH) sororities empower women, prepare leaders, and make a significant local and global impact. These sororities offer deep sisterhood, authentic connection, and a sense of purpose and belonging on campus, all rooted in rich histories that inspire a modern sorority experience.

Recruitment is year-round, but primary recruitment for CPH organizations occurs in the fall. Kappa Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc does not participate in CPH formal recruitment; instead, it has its own recruitment process.

Interfraternity Council (IFC) Fraternities

The Interfraternity Council (IFC) fraternities draw from their long histories to inspire a modern fraternity experience. These fraternities value brotherhood, purpose, and offer vast networks full of opportunities, constantly innovating to shape the future of fraternity life at Wright State University.

Recruitment is year-round, but formal recruitment for IFC organizations occurs in the first three weeks of both the fall and spring semesters.

National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) Fraternities and Sororities

The National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) represents our historically African-American fraternities and sororities. Founded to uplift African American students, these chapters continue to champion the cause of uplifting all men and women, particularly those who have been disenfranchised. They exemplify their historical cause in today's world, embodying the spirit of fraternity and sorority life at Wright State.

Recruitment is through a membership intake process. Chapters select, educate, and initiate new members at a time deemed by the specific organization. NPHC groups do not accept first-semester, first-year students.

Meet the Greeks

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Wright State fraternities and sororities are affiliated with the College Panhellenic Council, the Interfraternity Council, and the National Pan-Hellenic Council, ensuring that the local chapters adhere to national Greek standards. These national groups also help local chapters promote the value of Greek life through college and beyond. In addition, the Fraternity and Sorority Council represents the Greek community and the governing councils to Wright State University.


Anna Jones, B.S.B.

Student Involvement and Leadership
Assistant Director, Fraternity & Sorority Life
Student Union 190, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, OH 45435-0001