Wright State Online

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Compliance

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To ensure compliance with ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act), accessibility standards for courses offered in various modalities (online, hybrid, and face-to-face), it is essential to consider this comprehensive set of course-level attributes and requirements.

General Course-Level Attributes and Requirements

  1. Accessible Course Syllabus
    • Provide in accessible formats (e.g., HTML, accessible PDFs)
    • Include information on disability services and accommodations
  2. Accessible Learning Management System (LMS)
    • Ensure LMS is compliant with WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) standards
  3. Alternative Text Descriptions
    • Include alt text for all images, graphs, and charts
    • Provide long descriptions for complex images
  4. Captioned Multimedia
    • Provide closed captions for all video and audio content
    • Offer transcripts for audio-only content
  5. Text-Based Materials
    • Ensure all PDFs, Word documents, and other text materials are accessible (e.g., tagged PDFs, structured headings)
  6. Accessible Presentations
    • Ensure PowerPoint and other presentations are accessible (e.g., alt text for images, accessible slide layouts)

Online and Hybrid Courses

  1. Keyboard Navigation
    • Ensure all content can be navigated using a keyboard
  2. Accessible Discussions and Forums
    • Provide accessible discussion boards and forums
    • Use platforms that support screen readers
  3. Interactive Content
    • Ensure interactive content (quizzes, forms, simulations) is accessible
    • Use tools that are compliant with accessibility standards
  4. Consistent and Clear Navigation
    • Use a consistent layout and structure for course navigation
    • Provide clear instructions for accessing and interacting with content
  5. Accessible Assignments and Assessments
    • Ensure all assignments and assessments are accessible
    • Provide alternative formats for assessments when necessary

Face-to-Face and Hybrid Courses

  1. Classroom Accessibility
    • Ensure physical classroom spaces are accessible (e.g., ramps, accessible seating)
  2. Assistive Technology
    • Provide assistive technology as needed (e.g., screen readers, magnifiers)
  3. Lecture Accessibility
    • Ensure that lectures are accessible (e.g., use of microphones, captioned videos)
    • Provide lecture notes and materials in accessible formats
  4. Accessible Communication
    • Ensure all communication, both in-person and digital, is accessible
    • Use accessible tools for course-related communications (e.g., email, announcements)

Additional Considerations

  1. Training and Support for Faculty
    • Provide training for faculty on accessibility standards and best practices
    • Offer ongoing support and resources for maintaining accessibility
  2. Regular Accessibility Audits
    • Conduct regular audits of courses to ensure ongoing compliance with accessibility standards
  3. Student Feedback Mechanism
    • Implement a system for students to provide feedback on accessibility issues
    • Act on feedback to improve accessibility
  4. Policy and Procedure Documentation
    • Develop and maintain documentation on accessibility policies and procedures
    • Ensure all faculty and staff are aware of and adhere to these policies

Resources and Tools