Explore Wright State Day

Veteran and Military Admissions

Readmission Due to Deployment

Once you know you are returning from active duty or activation status, complete the following steps.

Note: Students that have been out-of-school for more than 3 consecutive terms, will need to contact Undergraduate Admissions to be updated.


Register for classes

Contact your academic advisor for course options. Register through WINGS Express or in-person at Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect). If using GI Bill® benefits, complete a Veterans Enrollment Report (PDF) and submit to the Veteran and Military Center.


Apply for financial aid

If you plan to return to Wright State within the same academic year, your financial aid may remain in place for the next semester.  However, if you do not return within the same academic year, you must file a new FAFSA by the priority deadline and complete all financial aid processes as requested.  Here are helpful links to help you understand the financial aid process:


Sign up for auxiliary services

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