Brand and Marketing

University Business Card

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Business Card Template

Consistency is paramount in branding. We have developed a template that economizes the physical limitations of a business card in a modern, clean layout that includes only the cardholder's vital contact information. Type size and leading remains consistent, despite the amount of information, to build a uniform branding system. 

As per University Policy, all university business cards must be ordered through Wright Print Center, without exception. This ensures that the proper layout, color, and marks are used in the production

Information Bundles

The business card template is set up in a series of bundled information. The limit to the number of items in a bundle is dictated by the total number of lines remaining. Although this format economizes the card greatly, there is only so much physical space, so it may be necessary to abridge some of your details. Each information bundle is separated by 12 pts. leading, and lines within bundles are separated by 9 pts. leading. 

The type size on cards is 8 pts. This accommodates longer names and titles, and allows more space for the cardholder's information.

Negative Space

The card is designed so the negative space collects at the horizonal center of the card. More negative space will appear for cardholders with less contact information, and those with more information will have less negative space. This is all part of the design.

Wright State University Business Card Template

Cardholder's Information

This side reflects pertinent contact information about the cardholder, and has fairly flexible content:

  1. Name (credentials optional)
  2. Department
    Physical location (optional)
  3. Wright State email address URL(s)
  4. Telephone/cell phone/fax number(s)

University Information

This side reflects pertinent contact information about the university, and may not be changed:

  1. University's biplane logo
  2. University's website
  3. Campus address (or off-campus mailing address)

The Social Media Directory section is an option if one wants to include it.

Wright State University Business Card Template with Social Media Directory

Template Exceptions

The university business card template does not support the display of information on the back, except for the following modifications:

  1. An emergency or crisis-related hotline phone number may be displayed with its name
  2. An ADA-compliant version of the cardholder's name and phone number
  3. A generic appointment blank, shown, to be used by advisors
  4. A QR code, shown, that only links to sites (a typed URL next to the QR code is required)
  5. Any supporting graphics, as approved by the Office of Marketing

Wright State University Business Card - Campus Template

A generic appointment reminder has been created for advisors, for example.
This is an exception that may appear on the back of the card.

A QR code may be used on the back of business cards, but must link to a site.
A typed URL next to the code is required. 
This is an exception that may appear on the back of the card.

Campus Space Template

A template has been designed for the needs of a campus space, illustrated in the fictitious card shown here. The card is printed only in black ink, and follows the consistency of the regular format, but is designed to display information specific to the space.

Wright State University Business Card - Campus Template
The template designed for a campus space is consistent but varies depending on the information needs of the space.