Financial Aid

Consortium Agreements

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About Consortium Agreements

Normally, your financial aid is processed to help pay for your costs at one school. A consortium agreement allows you to enroll at two schools at the same time and receive financial aid to help pay for costs at both.

There are two types of consortium agreements at Wright State University:

Financial Aid Consortium Agreement

A financial aid consortium agreement is a contract between you, a home school (the school from which you plan to graduate) and a visiting school (the school you’d like to “visit” and transfer credits back to your home school for degree/certificate completion). It allows your home school to award and disburse your financial aid for a specific enrollment period (such as Summer, Fall, or Spring Semesters) to help pay for costs you may incur because you are enrolled at a visiting school.

Financial aid consortium agreements are useful when your current credit hours are less than full-time and the combined hours of your home school and visiting school would give you increased grant eligibility. It is also useful if you are only loan eligible, and the combined credit hours at the home school and visiting school, allow you to be enrolled at least half-time. If you have a renewable scholarship awarded by Wright State and are registered for less than the required enrolled hours, complete this form to see if you qualify to have your scholarship(s) prorated.

Schedule an appointment with your Wright State academic advisor to complete Section II of the Consortium Agreement form. Your financial aid and scholarship awards may be reduced or canceled as a result of a financial aid consortium agreement.


Wright State as Home School

If you are pursuing your degree from Wright State University, Wright State is your home school. To request a financial aid consortium agreement between Wright State and your visiting school, you must complete and submit the Consortium Agreement Request Form (located under the Appeal and Petition Forms heading). Forms are available by term (e.g., Fall, Spring, or Summer Semesters) and must be submitted by the applicable deadline date. 

Upon receipt of your consortium agreement request form, the Office of Financial Aid will draft an agreement between Wright State and your visiting school. The agreement will then be sent directly to your visiting school for approval. If approved, the Office of Financial Aid will review your financial aid and disburse eligible awards to your student account based on your combined registered credit hours at Wright State and your visiting school. See our Important Dates page for disbursement dates. Your financial aid will pay toward your balance at Wright State first. If any financial aid remains after paying your Wright State balance, it will be refunded to you. You may use this refund to pay toward your balance at the visiting school or repay yourself for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred to cover your balance at the visiting school. If your visiting school’s bill is due prior to receiving your aid, you should make payment arrangements with your visiting school to avoid any penalties. It is your responsibility to pay your visiting’s schools bill.

Once you have completed your classes at the visiting school, you must submit a copy of your official transcript from the visiting school to Wright State.

Financial Aid Consortium Agreement Responsibilities/Conditions

Students submitting a Financial Aid Consortium Agreement with Wright State as the home school must agree to the following conditions:

  • The student is responsible to pay their tuition and fees at the Visiting School by their fee payment deadline date.
  • Completion of a consortium agreement does not guarantee the receipt of additional financial aid resources for the term, or that the student's financial aid will cover their full balance at Wright State or the Visiting School.
  • If Wright State is the home school, Wright State will award financial aid and apply financial aid first toward tuition, fees, and other charges at Wright State. Any remaining balance will be refunded by the Bursar to pay educational expenses at the visiting school.
  • If awarded the Ohio College Opportunity Grant (OCOG), Wright State Need-Based Grant, and/or a Wright State scholarship, the award could be reduced or eliminated.
  • The student will only receive financial aid for courses at the Visiting School approved by the Wright State academic advisor.
  • The course may not be offered at Wright State during the term in which you request a consortium agreement. If the Wright State course availability or mode does not fit with the student's schedule, please discuss with the academic advisor to make a determination.
  • The student will allow Wright State and the Visiting School to share information regarding admissions, registration, billing, academics, financial aid, and any information shared on this form when necessary to complete the consortium agreement and maintain compliance with Title IV regulations.
  • The consortium agreement will not be processed if the student has a past due balance at Wright State.
  • The student must currently meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements at Wright State.
  • The student will request an official transcript be sent from the Visiting School to Undergraduate Admissions upon completion of the semester.
  • The student will notify Enrollment Services of changes to the approved courses in Section II of this agreement, including: (1) not enrolling in the course(s); (2) substituting a different course; or (3) dropping or withdrawing from a course(s).

Wright State as Visiting School

If you are pursuing your degree or certificate at another school, then Wright State is your visiting school. You should contact your home school to discuss your consortium agreement options. Your home school will determine your financial aid eligibility and should forward proposed agreements to Enrollment Services. Agreements will be completed by the Office of Financial Aid and returned to your home school by fax or mail.

You are responsible for making payments toward any balance owed to Wright State by applicable deadline dates. Visit the Office of the Bursar website for more information about fee payment. You may also contact Enrollment Services to discuss your payment options.

Failing to make on-time payment of your Wright State balance may result in the cancelation of your Wright State courses or the assignment of late fees. If your registration is subject to cancelation and your home school will be sending payment in full to Wright State on your behalf, but not until after your fee payment deadline, your visiting school may request Wright State to hold your registration. To do so, your home school must send a written request to Enrollment Services that includes your name and University ID (UID), the payment amount, and the date the payment will be made. The request should be sent no later than one week prior to your fee payment deadline and may be sent to Enrollment Services by mail or by fax to 937-775-4410.

If your home school will be sending payment directly to Wright State, your home school should include your name and UID on all correspondence and send payment, payable to Wright State University, to:

Wright State University
Office of the Bursar
3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy.
Dayton, OH 45435