Forms and Resources


photo of students walking outside on campus

Enrollment Services is available to help!

Aug 19, 2024

Enrollment Services can assist you with financial aid, registration, or billing needs. We are open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. every weekday, except for Wednesdays, during which we are open 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Contact Enrollment Services:

Check the Academic Calendar for important deadlines and dates!

Aug 19, 2024

Many questions can also be answered by reviewing the Academic Calendar, including: 

  • Due dates
  • Refund deadlines
  • Drop dates
  • Registration dates
  • Holidays

Important registration dates, holidays, and deadlines for everyday school business are contained within the Enrollment Services website. Additionally, the website has split apart the deadlines for the various terms, such as A and B term courses which go for only half the length of the semester. 

If you have any questions about the calendar, please call 937-775-4000 so we can help you.

Did you complete your financial aid requirements?

Oct 8, 2023

We are here to help you through the financial aid process. Please make sure all the following are complete to get as much aid as possible. 

COMPLETE REQUIREMENTS: All financial aid requirements can be found on one screen, Eligibility Requirements, located under the Financial Aid & Scholarships menu in WINGS Express. Any outstanding requirements will be listed on this screen with links on where to find the form or necessary component to complete it.

SUBMIT FORMS: We accept documents 24/7 using DocuSign, found under the Forms and Resources tab on RaiderConnect’s website. Simply click on the green Upload Financial Aid Document button and follow the prompts to securely upload your financial documents. A confirmation email will be sent to you when we receive it, and the document will be processed in the coming days. We highly recommend you use this secured system instead of email. 

RETRIEVE TAX DOCUMENTS: If RaiderConnect requires a particular tax document for you or your parents, you can go to the IRS website and get them from there. We recommend double-checking your eligibility requirements or call us and we can tell you.

MAXIMIZE YOUR AID: To maximize your financial awards, you should explore every avenue. The FAFSA is one of the best methods to qualify for aid, so submit one each year by going to the FAFSA website. You can also apply for external scholarships on a regular basis and submit the Wright State Scholarship Application when it opens in November each year. When needed, we can help you understand how to apply for loans. 

New statements are now available to view!

Oct 1, 2023

The Bursar Office releases monthly statements to students who have a balance due. Statements are sent to your Wright State email at the start of each month. Review your statement thoroughly, especially if you made any changes to your registration recently.

A statement is a snapshot in time. For the most current account information, log into WINGS Express and click on the Student Fees menu. Parents and authorized users can visit the Access Your Account page to log in with their established credentials to see their student’s account information. There, you will also be able to enroll in a payment plan, make payments, or review tax documents.

Any outstanding balances are due on the 15th of the month. These balances must either be paid in full or placed into a payment plan to avoid the $50 late fee. If you incur a late fee, a hold may be placed on your transcript and/or your registration. 

If you have any questions about your bill, please reach out to us at RaiderConnect! You can call 937-775-4000, email, or visit 130 Student Union.

2024-25 FAFSA Delayed by the Department of Education

Sep 14, 2023

There have been several long-standing concerns about the length and complexity of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), the application for students to apply for federal, state, and institutional need-based financial aid.  Beginning with the 2024-25 academic year, the FAFSA Simplification Act will represent a significant overhaul of the FAFSA processes and systems used to award federal aid and is a step towards a better FAFSA and a better future for students.

Typically, the FAFSA launches every October 1, prior to the start of the academic year. Due to the significant changes to the FAFSA, the Department of Education (ED) has officially announced that the 2024-25 FAFSA will not be open until sometime in December 2023. Moving forward to future years, ED plans to be back on track for an October 1 launch.

Federal Student Aid announced that they will launch a communications plan to families in September, explaining what applicants should anticipate when completing the new FAFSA form and what they can do to get ready. Stay tuned! We will also communicate with students via their Wright State University email address as information is available.

Important Reminders for April 2023

Apr 4, 2023

See below for upcoming due dates and reminders for this month.

Biling Statement and Payments

Summer semester and past due billing statements are now available online. To avoid cancellation of class registration, payments are due by April 15.

To view and pay your bill, follow these steps:

  1. Login to WINGS Express.
  2. Select Student and Financial Aid.
  3. Select Student Fees.
  4. Select Student Account Options.
  5. Select one of the options: View Current Account Activityy, Make A Payment, or Enroll in a Payment Plan

Eligibility Requirements and Award Notices

Please check you Eligibility Requirements and Award Notice and SAP for updates. Follow these steps:

  1. Login to WINGS Express.
  2. Select Student and Financial Aid.
  3. Select Financial Aid and Scholarships.
  4. Select Award Notice and/or Eligibility Requirements.

Review Charges and Items to Waive

Check your summer semester charges for any errors or items you would like to waive, such as the following:

  • Inclusive Courseware
  • Student Legal Services
  • Counselling Wellness Services

Are you prepared to register for the next term?

Apr 3, 2023

Registration is almost here! Wright State offers resources that you can use to stay on track toward your degree.

Academic Advising

Your advisor has access to pathways and schedules to let you know when classes are being offered in future terms. Additionally, they can provide personalized advice on the classes you will need to graduate and suggest opportunities outside of your degree pathway that can be useful when applying for jobs.

Tools in WINGS Express

Located in the Registration and Records menu.

  • Schedule Planner: See where the classes you’re thinking about taking fit into your weekly planner. You can use this to tailor your schedule so that you are on campus only when you want to be, like taking early morning classes to leave yourself the rest of the afternoon.
  • Degree Audit: Outlines exactly which courses and components you will need to graduate and which ones you have already completed.

Registering in WINGS Express

Once you and your advisor have selected the classes for your next semester, use the Add/Drop Classes screen in WINGS Express to register. Tip: Write down the CRNs of the courses you are looking to register for and type them all out at once in the many spaces underneath the CRNs area.

  • Choose Submit Changes to register. You will see your current schedule near the top of the screen and any error messages will be near the bottom.
  • If you can’t remember the CRN for a class, you can use the Class Search feature to locate and register for the class.
  • If you receive an error that requires some form of permission, like an instructor’s signature, contact your academic advisor or advising department. Ask them to put in permission online for you to register, or they can sign a Registration Activity Form (available on RaiderConnect’s Registration website).

If you have any questions, please call 937-775-4000, email, or visit 130 Student Union. You can also visit the Registration website at your convenience to see if it has the information you need.

Satisfactory Progress Appeals are open for students

Jan 5, 2023

Struggling academically? This appeal form allows you to petition to keep your federal aid.

The Financial Aid office will soon be evaluating students to make sure they are meeting the federal government’s satisfactory academic progress (SAP) requirement for federal financial aid.

To keep your federal financial aid in good standing: 

  • Undergraduate students must maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA and a 67 percent completion percentage. 
  • Graduate students must maintain a 3.0 GPA and a 67 percent completion percentage. 

GPA can be found in the Final Grades area of WINGS Express.

The completion percentage is the number of credit hours you’ve completed divided by your total number of credit hours attempted.

If you do not meet SAP requirements:

  • You will receive a notification to your Wright State email.
  • The Eligibility Requirements screen on WINGS Express will change to reflect your status.
  • To continue to receive financial aid, you will need to submit an appeal.

The Satisfactory Progress Appeal form can be found in WINGS Express in the Eligibility Requirements screen. This appeal will need supporting statements from you about what happened in your previous semesters to cause you to fall into bad standing, what has changed since then, and your plan for success going forward. You will also need a letter of support from a third party, such as an academic advisor. 

A successful appeal will allow you to receive financial aid.

Please note, SAP is different from the requirements to maintain any scholarships you are receiving, so if you are concerned about where you stand with your scholarships, all requirements are listed on RaiderConnect’s scholarship pages, or you can contact to check your status.

Any questions about the SAP Appeal process or why you were put into bad standing should be directed to RaiderConnect. Call 937-775-4000 or email so we can help you understand the process. 

Raider Connect believes in you and is always here to help you on your pathway to success!

RaiderConnect closed November 16

Nov 15, 2022

Raider Connect will be closed on November 16 from 3:30 to 5 p.m. for staff development.

One-time federal student loan cancellation

Aug 24, 2022

UPDATE: New information on the one-time federal student loan cancellation has been announced. To be notified when the process has officially opened, sign up at the Department of Education subscription page.

The federal student loan repayment pause will end on 12/31/2022. For more information visit Coronavirus forbearance info on

First Saturday

Aug 16, 2022

Take care of any remaining items on your to-do list before classes start at the Dayton Campus at First Saturday. 

Saturday, August 20
10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Student Union 

Come directly to the Student Union or contact RaiderConnect at 937-775-4000 or You can also visit the RaiderConnect website at
RaiderConnect representatives can answer questions, explain processes, and connect you with advisors or other services. Staff and students will help you find the offices you need.

Stop in at: 

  • Academic Advising, 207 Student Success Center (this location for First Saturday only) 
  • Veteran and Military Center, 131 Allyn Hall 
  • Office of Disability Services, 180 University Hall 
  • University Center for International Education (UCIE), 334 Student Union 

See the staff at RaiderConnect for more details. 
For more information, contact:

Summer Bill Important Dates

Mar 31, 2022

Summer Semester bills will be available April 1 and will be due April 15.

For questions regarding your bill, please contact RaiderConnect.

RaiderConnect is serving students in-person and virtually

Mar 31, 2022

The RaiderConnect office is available to serve students in-person and virtually.

For in-person visits, you can visit us at 130 Student Union during the following hours:

  • Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday: 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
  • Wednesday: 9:30 a.m.-5 p.m.

To connect with us virtually, please email or call 937-775-4000.

Student Support Services available this Saturday

Aug 19, 2021

Take care of any remaining items on your to-do list before classes start at the Dayton Campus at First Saturday:

Saturday, August 21
10 a.m.–2 p.m.
Student Union

Come directly to the Student Union or contact RaiderConnect at 937-775-4000 or

RaiderConnect representatives can answer questions, explain processes, and connect you with advisors or other services. Staff and students will help you find the offices you need.

At First Saturday, you can:

Buy or pick up your books at the campus bookstore from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. or you can order your books online at

Visit one of the housing community centers between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. or call:

  • College Park: 937-775-2089
  • Forest Lane: 937-775-4209
  • University Park: 937-775-2086
  • The Village: 937- 775-2086
  • Hamilton Hall: 937-775-3309
  • The Woods: 937-775-4864
  • Honors: 937-775-3082

Stop in at:

  • Academic Advising, 207 Student Success Center (this location for First Saturday only)
  • Veteran and Military Center, 131 Allyn Hall

Staff members from the Office of Disability Services and the University Center for International Education will be available remotely on August 21. See the staff at RaiderConnect for more details.

Drop Deadlines for 100% Tuition Refund for Spring 2021 Semester

Jul 13, 2020

Due to COVID-19 precautionary measures, Wright State University students registered for the Spring 2021 semester will not have their class registrations automatically dropped for incomplete or non-payment of fees on December 18, 2021. However, if you owe a balance for a prior term(s) in excess of $999.99 your Spring Term classes will be subject to course cancellation.

If you registered for Spring 2021 and you wish to drop one or more of your classes, you must log in to WINGS Express and complete the steps to drop the course(s) before the following dates to be eligible for a 100% tuition refund:

Fall Term

First day of classes

Last day to receive 100% tuition refund


Monday, January 11

Friday, January 15

C (Full)

Monday, January 11

Friday, January 22


Monday, March 8

Friday, March 12

To confirm that your courses have been dropped, please check your student schedule and your student financial account.

If you have questions, Dayton Campus students should contact Raider Connect at 937-775-4000 or while Lake Campus students can email You can also contact your academic advisor for assistance.

Drop Deadlines for 100% Tuition Refund for Summer 2020 Semester

Mar 27, 2020

Due to COVID-19 precautionary measures, Wright State University students registered for the summer 2020 semester will not have their class registrations automatically dropped for incomplete or non-payment of fees on April 20, 2020.

If you registered for summer classes and you wish to drop one or more of your classes, you must log in to WINGS Express and complete the steps to drop the course(s) before the following dates to be eligible for a 100% tuition refund:

Summer Term

First day of classes

Last day to receive 100% tuition refund


Monday, May 11

Friday, May 15

C (Full)

Monday, May 11

Friday, May 22


Monday, June 22

Friday, June 26

To confirm that your courses have been dropped, please check your student schedule and your student financial account.

If you have questions, Dayton Campus students should contact RaiderConnect at 937-775-4000 or while Lake Campus students can email You can also contact your academic advisor for assistance.

Pass/Unsatisfactory grading option for undergrad students and extension of the withdrawal deadline

Mar 25, 2020

Wright State University is making available a new option to assist students who are concerned about maintaining grades in the spring 2020 semester. We know the coronavirus pandemic has caused immense upheaval in all of our lives. This option will provide students more flexibility during this unprecedented semester.

Effective immediately, all Wright State University undergraduate students will be permitted to convert courses to Pass/Unsatisfactory grading for the spring 2020 semester. This does not apply to grades awarded before March 9, 2020.

At the end of the semester, faculty will submit their course grades (A, B, C, D, F, X or NR) by May 6. Students will then have until noon on May 15 to decide whether to change one or more of their courses to a Pass/Unsatisfactory grade. There will be no limits placed on the number of courses that students can convert to Pass/Unsatisfactory, and students will be able to make their decision on a course-by-course basis.

All grades of C or higher for a course for which a student elects the Pass/Unsatisfactory grade will convert to a P. F grades will automatically be converted to U, and students can elect to convert a D grade to a U. Students will receive credit for courses for which they earn a P, but will not receive credit for courses in which they receive a U. Neither P or U grades will impact the student’s grade point average.

Students should consult with their academic advisor to consider the impact that converting to P/U grades has on course prerequisites, course repeats, program requirements, and post-graduation opportunities for licensure, graduate school, and employment. Consult with RaiderConnect and the Lake Campus Enrollment Services to consider impacts on financial aid.

Please visit our FAQ page to get more information on this student option and how the decision might impact your degree pathways. More details will be provided at a later date on the process for requesting the conversion of grades to P/U and whether similar provisions will be made for graduate students.

Wright State has also extended the deadline to withdraw from spring classes by three weeks to April 17.

Please stay safe, practice social distancing, and continue to regularly check your Wright State email and

Apply Now for 2020–21 Scholarships

Jan 27, 2020

The 2020-2021 Wright State University Online Scholarship Application deadline is February 1, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).

For application instructions, select your student type:

If you have questions regarding Wright State University scholarships, contact For questions concerning the online scholarship process, contact

New Security Enhancements for Student Bill Payment Profile

Nov 13, 2018

Our student Bill Payment partner, TouchNet, has implemented new verification measures to protect your bill payment personal profile information and your bank account information used for direct deposit of student refunds. Wright State University will implement these verification measures beginning December 1, 2018. Learn more about these new Two-Step Verification measures.

FAFSA Workshop at Raider Open House Nov 3

Nov 2, 2018

Prospective student are encouraged to visit Wright State University on November 3, 2018, 9 a.m.–12:30 p.m. for Raider Open House. Experience what it’s like to be a RaiderAt Raider Open House, you can talk with faculty and staff about your academic goals and interests and hear about campus life from current Wright State students. Learn about academic programs, housing, transferring college credit, financial aid, and campus life. You can also explore campus by taking a tour led by a current student.

RaiderConnect will be available to help students submit their 2019-2020 FAFSA at Raider Open House. We will have laptops available. To create your FSA ID (the username and password required to submit a FAFSA), students must know their social security number (SSN), date of birth, and have an email that they can verify at the time of creating the ID. Parents are required to create an FSA ID as well to sign the student's FAFSA, and will need their own email address.  

Register for Raider Open House

For information about Raider Open House, please contact Admissions at 937-775-5700 or

For questions about the FAFSA workshop, please contact RaiderConnect at 937-775-4000 or

Raider Connect to Host FAFSA Workshop October 17

Oct 12, 2018

The 2019-2020 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is available online now at On Wednesday, October 17, 2018, Enrollment Services Advisors will be available from 5-7pm to help students complete the 1920 FAFSA, at Raider Connect in the Student Union.  We will provide some computers, but students are encouraged to bring their own laptops, if it is convenient to do so.

Students will need a username and password for the FAFSA, known as the FSA ID.  This can be done in advance online at:, or we will assist in creating the FSA ID.  Parents also need their own FSA ID in order to sign the student's FAFSA. To set up an FSA ID, the student and parent must provide their names, social security numbers, and dates of birth; the student and parent also much each have the ability to provide a separate email address which can be verified at the time of setting up the FSA ID.  If you have previously created an FSA ID, bring your username and password.  If you have forgotten either the user name or password, we highly recommend taking the steps to retrieve them before attending the FAFSA workshop.

Additionally, students and parents should bring their 2017 federal tax information, including 1040, W2, and 1099 forms.

RaiderConnect is located on the main floor of the Student Union, through the main door, past the Admissions desk to the left.

Raider Connect FAFSA Filing Day October 31

Oct 11, 2018

On Wednesday, October 31st, Raider Connect will celebrate the 2019-2020 FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) by hosting an all-day FAFSA filing event in conjunction with Halloween. 

Students and their families are encouraged to come visit Raider Connect in the Student Union where computers will be available to complete the FAFSA, with assistance from Raider Connect's Enrollment Services Advisors.  

Raider Connect, located on the main floor of the Student Union, will be open from 8:30-5:00.

Some treats will be provided to students who complete their FAFSA with us, or show that they've already completed the 2019-2020 FAFSA.  

Contact Raider Connect at 937-775-4000 or with any questions.

2019-2020 Scholarship Application Available in WINGS Express

Oct 10, 2018

The 2019-2020 Wright State University Online Scholarship Application is now available in WINGS Express. 

The deadline for this application is Tuesday, January 8, 2019 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern Standard Time (EST).

Undergraduate and graduate students (first-year, continuing, and transfer), can apply for multiple donor-based scholarships funded through the Wright State University Foundation and also scholarships funded by the University.

Access the online application via WINGS Express. Select the Student and Financial Aid tab, then click on Financial Aid and Scholarships, and then click on Online Scholarship Application.

NOTE: If you are currently receiving a renewable Academic Performance and/or Competitive Honors Scholarship (awarded prior to your freshman year) you do not reapply for these awards. These scholarships are renewed annually if you meet the stipulations for renewal. However, you are encouraged to complete the online application to be considered for other scholarships.

If you have questions regarding Wright State University scholarships, contact For questions concerning the online scholarship process, contact

Please check your Wright State email account on a regular basis as it is the primary method of communication with Wright State students.

There may be other department/college or miscellaneous scholarship options not yet associated with this application, so monitor your Wright State email account for any announcements and check with your department/college for any other options.

Students are required to submit an application each year to be considered for scholarships and scholarship renewals.  

(The Boonshoft School of Medicine Scholarship application will be available in March 2019)

Merit-Based Scholarships: Students are eligible based on their academic achievements, extra-curricular activities, leadership roles, and community service.  

Need-Based Scholarships: Students are eligible based on demonstrated financial need.

You will need to file a FAFSA each year to determine financial need. Extra-curricular activities, leadership roles, and community service may also be considered.  

Scholarships are also available that are not based on merit or need. These scholarships are based on where you live, where you went to high school, organizational membership, family connections, your life before/during attending college, career goals, academic goals, and many other personal circumstances.

Upcoming deadlines: Heritage Scholarships

Sep 27, 2018

Hungarian Ancestry Scholarship

Wright State University is pleased to announce that scholarships are now available to students of Hungarian descent to attend Wright State. Scholarships of up to $500-$1,500 per student can be awarded. The next deadline will be October 12, 2018.


  • Students must write a one-to-two page essay on their academic and professional goals (including their name, contact information, and UID #), provide proof of Hungarian ancestry, and give a copy of their most current academic record as part of the application process.
  • Students are required to have a 3.0 GPA in order to qualify for the scholarship. 
  • Student recipients may be asked to serve as volunteers to promote the scholarship in our campus and community.
  • All application materials must be sent to Michelle Streeter-Ferrari, Director, University Center for International Education, Wright State University, 3640 Col. Glenn Hwy., Dayton, OH 45435-0001.You may also contact Michelle by phone at 937-775-3766 or by e-mail at for more information.

Italian American Scholarship

The partnership between Wright State University and the John Pirelli Sons of Italy Lodge is dedicated to help preserve and promote Italian culture in the region, and to provide financial assistance to students of Italian descent at Wright State University. Accordingly, we are pleased to announce that the 2018 John Pirelli Lodge Italian American Scholarship is now open for application. Scholarships of up to $1,000 per student can be awarded. The next deadline is October 15, 2018.


  • Students must be of Italian descent. (Please indicate Italian surname and provide documentation of ancestry—e.g. Immigration records,, etc.)
  • Be a full time undergraduate student.
  • The student must be of good academic standing with a minimum GPA of 3.0. Incoming first year students must submit high school transcript. Transfer students should submit transcripts of all previous work.
  • Submit an essay that discusses ancestry and states why the applicant should be awarded this scholarship. In the essay the student may also choose to discuss their academic and professional goals, activities that demonstrate a strong work ethic, and any evidences of connection to aspects of Italian and/or Italian American culture. A student who has received an award previously may resubmit in subsequent years. However, all other things equal, priority will be given to new applicants if there are any.
  • All application materials may be sent to Michelle Streeter-Ferrari in E190 Student Union, University Center For International Education, Wright State University, 3640 Colonel Glenn Hwy, Dayton, Ohio 45435.  
    You may also contact Michelle by phone at 775-5745 or by e-mail at for more information.
    John Pirelli Lodge contact person is Dr. Peter Carusone 436-2112

Polatajko Family Scholarship for Students of Eastern European Descent

Wright State University is pleased to announce that a new scholarship is available to students of Eastern European descent to attend Wright State. Scholarships of up to $500 per student can be awarded. The next deadline will be October 26, 2018.


  • write a one-to-two page essay on their academic and professional goals which also outlines details of financial need (including the student’s name, contact information, and UID #),
  • briefly tell their family's immigration story,
  • provide proof of Eastern European ancestry through a birth certificate, marriage license or other pre-approved documentation (preference will be given to students of Ukrainian descent), and
  • give a copy of their most current academic record.
  • Students are required to have a 2.5 GPA in order to qualify. 
  • Student recipients may be asked to serve as volunteers to promote the scholarship in our campus and community.
  • All application materials must be sent to Michelle Streeter-Ferrari, Director, University Center for International Education, Wright State University, 3640 Col. Glenn Hwy., Dayton, OH 45435-0001.You may also contact Michelle by phone at 937-775-3766 or by e-mail at for more information.

2019-2020 FAFSA available October 1

Sep 25, 2018

The 2019-2020 FAFSA will be available online Monday, October 1, 2018. New this year, the FAFSA will be mobile-friendly. Yes, you will be able to complete the FAFSA on your smart phone! Download the myStudentAid Mobile App on your device.

Completing the FAFSA early is important, as some types of aid, such as Federal Work Study, run out. Meeting the priority deadline is important for receiving your maximum financial aid eligibility. The priority deadline for Wright State will be January 8, 2019.  

Raider Connect will be providing more information soon, such as available FAFSA workshop dates. Please contact RaiderConnect with any questions.

Phone: 937-775-4000
