Forms and Resources

Inclusive Courseware

photo of students sitting outside on campus

Inclusive courseware helps you get your required course materials for less. You will get an eTextbook with an interactive learning platform like Connect, MyLab, or Mindtap, but can incorporate other learning materials. You'll also have access to interactive course material including readings, quizzes, videos, flash cards, and other components to help you succeed.

Your instructor can choose inclusive courseware for your course and it will be delivered to you in Pilot. The fee for this material is included as part of your tuition and fees and is listed in the WINGS entry for your class. Per Department of Education regulations, this fee is charged because it offers significant savings on course material that usually is purchased separately. The Inclusive Courseware Fee is an estimate and it includes sales tax. The fee may be subject to change due to publisher pricing changes or instructor material changes.

You can opt-out online from your Pilot page once your instructor opens the class normally the first day of class. You can drop the Inclusive Courseware during the 100% refund period for that particular class. If you have problems opting out please contact the bookstore directly as Enrollment Services cannot remove these fees.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is inclusive courseware?

    Inclusive courseware is a textbook affordability solution resulting from collaboration of the Student Government Association, faculty, administration, the campus bookstore, and many other departments across campus, all working together to help you save money on textbooks.

  • What do I get with my inclusive courseware charge?

    If you have a class using inclusive courseware, your instructor's chosen material is billed to your student account at the lowest price and the digital eText and interactive components will be delivered in Pilot for the first day of class. Please check with the Wright State bookstore to see if any additional materials are needed for the course.

  • What if I want a print copy of the book?

    Some classes may offer a print companion at a significantly lower price ($15 and up). Availability will vary depending on the publisher used for the Inclusive Courseware and is generally a loose-leaf copy without any access code. Please contact the Wright State bookstore for availability.

  • What if I drop the course or change sections?

    As long as you do so during the 100 percent refund period for tuition, the Inclusive Courseware charge will be refunded to your account. This refund will be processed automatically so you do not need to do any paperwork. Go to the academic calendar to confirm dates for the 100 percent refund period.

  • Can I get the content cheaper?

    We negotiate with the publishers and the price must be below market value for it to be part of Inclusive Courseware. Because of the interactive components such as Connect, MyLab, Mindtap, etc., typical savings options like used and rental are not available because they are designed for one-time use and need to be purchased new.

  • What if I have financial aid or scholarships that pay for my books?

    You will see Inclusive Courseware on your student bill and this charge will be covered if funds are available after tuition is paid. Please contact Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) for specific questions regarding your student bill.

  • What about veterans with Chapter 31 or Chapter 33/G.I. Bill benefits?

    Chapter 31 will be billed to veteran's affairs along with tuition. If you are on Chapter 33/G.I. Bill, you are responsible for paying the Inclusive Courseware charge on your student bill and submitting for reimbursement as part of your stipend for textbooks. The Veteran and Military Center can answer questions regarding your benefits.

  • What if I am retaking the course?

    Like tuition, you will need to pay for the Inclusive Courseware again. A few exceptions may be made to this and it is at the publisher discretion if they extend access at no additional charge. Please contact the Wright State bookstore for more information.

  • What if I want to opt out of inclusive courseware?

    You may choose to opt out of Inclusive Courseware, but this is strongly discouraged. Inclusive Courseware typically contains deeply integrated components such as Connect, MyLab, Mindtap, etc. that are used in your course. If purchased separately, you will not be part of this integration which will cause course disruption for the instructor and you.

    If you decide to opt out, you are responsible for purchasing access at a higher cost and any delay will hinder your success in this class. You can opt-out online from your Pilot page once your instructor opens the class normally the first day of class. You can drop the Inclusive Courseware during the 100% refund period for that particular class.  Go to the academic calendar to confirm dates.

    If you have problems opting out please contact the bookstore directly as Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) cannot remove these fees.

  • Who should I contact for further questions about inclusive courseware?

    Inclusive Courseware content, opting out, delivery, print companions, etc.

    Wright State University Campus Store
    Visit the bookstore website for further information.

    Billing questions, adding/dropping classes, etc.

    Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect)
    Visit the Enrollment Services (RaiderConnect) website for more information.