Spring Safe Space Ally Development Training
This event has been canceled.
Thursday, February 22, 2018, 2 pm to 5 pm
Future Students
Current Students
The public
Event Webpage:
Through its bold skills-based training that focuses on Social Justice Allyship & active bystander intervention skills, individuals and offices are identified that can provide a network of support for the emotional, psychological, social and physical well-being of our LGBTQA+ community.
The Safe Space Training is a comprehensive 3 hour Ally Development training that teaches potential new allies skills on how to serve and support the LGBTQA+ community at Wright State University. Allies attending the entire 3 hour training will have the option of completing a Safe Space Ally Action Plan and listed on this site as someone who is part of the Safe Space Ally Development Network. Allies completing the Ally Action Plan will be provided with the Safe Space emblem (sticker or magnet) to display inside or outside of their offices and/or bags, computers, etc.
Register here: https://www.wright.edu/student-affairs/culture-and-identity-centers/lgbt...
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