Explore Wright State Day

Veteran and Military Admissions

Admitted Students Checklist


Shortly after you receive your Wright State Admissions letter, you will receive an email that contains a link to the Orientation. You will need your UID and password, also provided in your admissions letter. We encourage you to set aside about one-half hour to complete this interactive orientation.


Register for classes: All admitted students will be assigned to a specific early registration group based on their student classification, the number of credit hours earned, and in some cases randomization within the largest registration groups to subdivide them. Coordinate your registration period with your appointment with your academic advisor.

Registration for each term is divided into two periods, Early Registration and Open Registration. Each period has different due dates and policies regarding the cancellation of registration due to nonpayment by the due date.

All students are expected to complete the registration process, including schedule changes, by the end of the Open Registration Period when online registration closes. Specific dates for each term are published in the academic calendar.


Apply for a parking permit.


Complete the Veterans Enrollment Report every term that you are a student.

Students receiving educational benefits must complete the Veterans Enrollment Report each term. If you change your major or your class schedule or completely withdraw after you have submitted this form, you will need to complete the add/drop card to the Wright State Office of Veteran Affairs.

Call or phone for an appointment: by phone: (937) 775-5550; email: vmc@wright.edu. We are required to certify your enrollment each term with the VA. Failure to report any schedule or major changes to the Office of Veterans Affairs may result in an overpayment, which the VA will require you to repay.


Check your Wright State email frequently. In your email, you will receive any Financial Aid awards, your bill, time-sensitive notifications, etc.


Registration for accommodations.

Applicants requiring services from Wright State that are available to students with physical and/or learning disabilities should contact the Office of Disability Services prior to enrollment. A pre-service interview and professional documentation of disability are required prior to utilization of our services. The purpose of the interview is to assess disability-related needs and to plan services accordingly. Most services are provided to students at no cost, however fee-based services such as personal assistance and out of class reader/writer assistance can be billed directly to agencies or students.

Please take a moment to learn more about the registration for accommodations process for the Office of Disability Services.