Brand and Marketing

Social Media Legal Considerations

Wright State University has established Social Media Guidelines. Some units, such as the Army ROTC, Boonshoft School of Medicine, and the nursing program have incorporated more specific policies that relate to their field's standards. You are also encouraged to contact your unit's marketing representative to inquire if additional policies exist for your use.

Copyrighted Material

Wright State University is committed to compliance with the United States Copyright Revision Act of 1976, as amended, relating to the reproduction and use of copyrighted materials. Visit University Policy 12010 for more information about the university's position on copyrighted materials.

Visit the U.S. Copyright Office website to learn more about copyright protection.

NCAA Social Media Policy

Wright State participates in NCAA Division I athletics. As such, contact with prospective student-athletes is governed by NCAA recruitment guidelines.

Visit the NCAA website or contact Athletics for more information.


The federal government has privacy laws in place to protect individual privacy. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) protects individuals' health and health care information. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student education records.

Visit the HIPAA website or FERPA website for more information.

University Marks, Words, Logos, and Symbols

Wright State University regulates and controls the use of the university's name and other marks, words, logos, and symbols. View the university's Brandbook for information on how to use the university's logos and other marks.

If you operate an account for a department, office, or division, email the Office of Marketing to request your official, customized 'W' profile picture that will indicate you are an approved account. Please indicate what office, department, college, or division name should be included in your profile picture, making it as short as possible. If you operate unofficial accounts, student organization accounts, personal accounts, or academic accounts, you may use your own profile picture. Do not use the university's logo or wordmarks in your profile picture.

Email if you wish to further discuss your profile images.

General Privacy and Safety

All content posted on social media is available to the public, including the media.

Do not post any identifying information about your students or other sensitive information.

Do not publish any information that could lead to identity theft or data breaches, including social security numbers, UID, full date of birth, financial data, etc.

View University Policy 11300.


In general, the social media sites are treated like official Wright State University websites, and as such are prohibited from placing paid advertisements and sponsorships. This includes posts, promotions, or graphics that are promised in exchange for financial gains, goods, or services.

View University Policy 11100.5.10.

Note that this does not apply to the ads that the social media channels place on your pages, typically on the side of the page. These are maintained and managed by the social media channels.

If you are interested in pursuing paid advertising in social media, please email or call (937) 775-3455.

Violence in the Workplace

Wright State University is committed to providing employees and students with an environment that is safe, secure, and free of threats, intimidation, and violence. To promote an atmosphere that encourages learning and productive employment, quick responsive action will be taken if violence or the threat of violence arises.

All threats of violence should be reported.

  • Employees: Report threats to your supervisor, the Wright State University Police Department, and to the Department of Human Resources.
  • Students: Report threats to the Wright State University Police Department and to the Student Conduct.

Read more of University Policy 8060.