Academic Affairs

Academic Efficiency and Effectiveness Review

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About Academic Efficiency and Effectiveness Review

The Office of the Provost is charged with thoroughly evaluating the university’s academic programs to identify their relative effectiveness and efficiency with the goal of supporting more strategic resource allocation. This type of review is a best practice process that should be undertaken each year at the college level and every five to seven years at the institutional level to assess and determine the effectiveness of the programs offered at Wright State.


Deactivated Programs

The nursing programs in the list are ones that we have already been teaching out (i.e. ALT (accelerated); BSN Completion (for current RN’s pursuing a baccalaureate degree). Please be aware, the traditional 3-year and 4-year BSN programs are not being deactivated and are open for enrollment.


Executive Committee

An Executive Committee formed by the Provost oversees the review process.

  • Burhan Kawosa, CFA, FRM, Associate Vice President for Financial Operations
  • Bruce Mackh, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Assessment and Chief Accreditation Officer
  • Greg Sample, M.P.A., Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, Committee Co-Chair
  • Susan Schaurer, M.S., Vice President for Enrollment Management
  • Amy Thompson, Ph.D.,  Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Committee Co-Chair

Review Committee

The Review Committee, formed by the Executive Committee, assists with evaluating academic programs and making recommendations for further consideration.

  • Denise Anderson, M.S., Data Governance Manager, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
  • Lance Cauley, M.B.A., Associate Director, Career Services
  • Glen Cebulash, M.F.A., Professor of Art and Art History
  • Dragana Claflin, Ph.D., Professor of Psychology
  • Mark Cubberley, Ph.D., Associate Dean, Lake Campus
  • Jim Denniston, Ph.D., Dean, College of Health, Education, and Human Services
  • Elissa Falcone, Director of Curricular and Strategic Initiatives
  • Subhashini Ganapathy, Ph.D., Chair, Department of Biomedical, Industrial, and Human Factors Engineering, and Faculty Senate President
  • Carol Loranger, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
  • Laura Luehrmann, Ph.D., Chair, School of Social Sciences and International Studies
  • Bruce Mackh, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Assessment and Accreditation, Committee Chair
  • Aaron Skira, Ed.D., Director, Institutional Research and Effectiveness
  • Patrick Sonner, Ph.D., Lecturer and Director, Undergraduate Neuroscience Program
  • Amanda Spencer, M.S., Director of University Academic Advising
  • Rachel Sturm, Ph.D., Interim Associate Dean, Raj Soin College of Business
  • Sommer Todd, M.Acc., CPA, Controller, Office of the Controller
  • Junjie Zhang, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Computer Science and Engineering


The Review Committee’s primary purpose is to collect and examine data about our academic programs, considering four key questions:

  • Mission: is the program critical to the university’s mission?
  • Outcome: is the program of sufficient quality?
  • Market: is there a demand for the program?
  • Margin: is the program fiscally efficient?

After carefully completing the review process, the Review Committee will sort each program into one of four categories for further consideration:

  • Program Enhancement: grow with additional resources
  • Program Maintenance: continue at the current level of support
  • Program Improvement: continue conditionally upon completion of a realistic improvement plan, redesign, consolidation, or restructuring
  • Program Closure: suspend or deactivate the program


As of November 15, 2023


Review Committee completes all program review activities no later than December 8, 2023


Review Committee draft report completed no later than December 15, 2023


Review Committee draft report sent to Deans and Chairs for feedback on January 2, 2024


Deans and Chairs provide feedback between January 2 and 7, 2024


Review Committee draft report made available to faculty and staff on January 8, 2024


Faculty and staff provide feedback between January 8 and 14, 2024


Executive Committee reviews feedback, Review Committee draft report, and completes its own report between January 15 and 29, 2024


President reviews Executive Committee report, the review committee’s draft report, and feedback—preparing a report to the board of trustees between January 30 and February 7, 2024


Final recommendations and report sent to the Board of Trustees on February 7, 2024, in preparation of the Board of Trustees’ meeting on February 16, 2024 
