What is plagiarism?
University Policy 6120.03 Administrative Procedures for Allegations of Research Misconduct defines plagiarism as “the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.”
iThenticate is a plagiarism detection software that is designed to be used by researchers, instructors, graduate students and undergraduates engaged in high-level research to screen written work for originality and copyright infringement. The service allows account users to easily upload and scan documents, theses, dissertations, manuscripts, research proposals, and other professional works into iThenticate which compares the work against 14 billion web pages and 110 million content items from leading academic publications. In addition to comparing the text of an uploaded document to digital text on the open internet, iThenticate also compares uploaded text against text in the published scholarly literature that is otherwise behind publisher firewalls on the internet. iThenticate is used by federal government agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) to check for instances of potential plagiarism in submitted proposals. Utilization of iThenticate prior to proposal submission and thesis uploading is optional, but is highly encouraged.
Documents uploaded in iThenticate remain the proprietary property of the individual who submitted them for analysis and are only available to individuals who have access to the submitter’s personal iThenticate user account. iThenticate is a tool for faculty, staff, and students of Wright State to use in the process of academic research and publishing. The Office of Research Compliance will not review any documents submitted by users of iThenticate unless requested to do so by the user or the University’s Office of General Counsel. Once uploaded, the document and the resulting Similarity Report remain in the user’s personal account filing system until the user deletes them.
iThenticate Benefits
- To ensure compliance with federal, state, and institutional requirements relating to the responsible and ethical conduct of research.
- To maintain trust in sponsored program activities that support any research discipline.
- To prevent allegations of research misconduct.
Wright State provides access to a similar capability called Turnitin in the Pilot learning management system. Turnitin is used for homework, class papers, and similar academic needs. Visit Turnitin for more information.
Appropriate Use of iThenticate
iThenticate is intended for the periodic review of an important document draft prior to submission to a journal, funding agency, or other authority to prevent issues associated with plagiarism. It is not intended to check homework or other class assignments, nor the work of other people. Wright State provides access to Turnitin’s Feedback Studio (via Pilot) for class-related submissions.
Who can use iThenticate
Wright State provides free access to iThenticate for faculty, staff, and students with confirmation of need from a faculty member. Due to the limited number of users available under Wright State’s subscription and the specific, robust nature of the iThenticate system, usage is limited to those individuals engaged in research, publication, and grant or contract proposal submissions.
Accounts will be authorized for up to one-year from the date of the request. Accounts can be extended for longer periods of time if justified.
Student Account Requests
Student accounts must have the support of a faculty or staff member before being approved. Submitting the electronic request form will initiate an approval email to the faculty/staff member identified on the form. Your account will not be enabled without faculty/staff verification.
Accessing iThenticate
iThenticate Training Resources
Documentation and training materials are available on the iThenticate website.