Retirees Association

DDN: Wright State to begin process of cutting faculty

Stormy skies over the Qyad

Excerpt from the Dayton Daily News

Wright State University will begin laying the groundwork to reduce its faculty workforce, the school said Thursday.

The university is in the early stages of the process, so school leaders don’t know who will be laid off or how many people, President Sue Edwards said. More information won’t be available until the process plays out, she said.

Wright State sent a letter Thursday to the faculty union alerting them that the university anticipates the need for layoffs, which starts the process.

“It’s just basically saying that we believe that we have to go down this pathway,” Edwards said.

A committee consisting of university and union representatives will begin the process of determining the number of people to lay off and other details between the end of November and February, she said. When the layoffs will begin depends on the group’s recommendation, she said.

Affected faculty members will receive up to 18 months of notice and workforce displacement support. The university has provided similar support to employees who were previously laid off, school officials said in a letter to the campus community. The institution cut 50 positions this summer, in addition to 30 employees who agreed to retire early.