Community Standards and Student Conduct

Section VI. Conduct Policies: Code of Student Conduct

A. The Code of Student Conduct is divided into two categories of violations. Category "A" violations are typically first-time violations or violations of a minor nature, while category "B" violations are typically repeat violations or first-time violations that are of a serious nature.

A/B Violations 1-19 listed below may be considered at the director's or designee's discretion, as either "A" violations or "B" violations depending upon the particular circumstances of an incident. Violations B1-9 will always be considered type "B" violations.

B. Students notified of an alleged category "A" violation(s) will have their cases adjudicated through a Conduct Conference in most cases. The director or designee will determine the most appropriate conduct officer for the case or if there is a need to have the case resolved by a hearing panel. Students notified they may have violated a category "B" violation(s) will have their cases adjudicated by the director or designee or by a hearing panel.

"A" Violations or "B" Violations

  1. A/B Violation of written University policy or regulations contained in any official publication or administrative announcement of Wright State University (i.e., Student Handbook, Campus Housing policies and publications, tobacco free policy, etc).
  2. A/B Violations, alleged (or convictions) involving the violation of any local, state, or federal law on University premises, or off campus when such violation has or may have an adverse impact upon the University community.
  3. A/B Disrupting University operations. Disruption is an action or combination of actions by an individual or a group that knowingly and unreasonably interferes with, disrupts, hinders, obstructs, or prevents others from freely participating in any University activity, program, or services (e.g. teaching, research, etc). Lawful assemblies, including peaceful demonstrations that comply with applicable laws, regulations, and policies related to time, place, and manner, will not be characterized as a violation.
  4. A/B Any violation of the Academic Integrity Policy (University Policy 3710).
  5. A/B Furnishing false information to the University, and other similar forms of dishonesty in matters related to the University's official activities, such as knowlingly making false oral or written statements to any University official, conduct officer or discipline body.
  6. A/B Student are required to cooperate with, comply with the direction of, and (upon request) present identification to any University official when that official has identified themselves and is acting within their authority in furtherance of the University's official activities. University officials include faculty and staff of the University. Also included are student employees who are carring out assigned work responsibilities. Cooperation includes, but is not limited to, appearing at offices for appointments and/or leaving areas when requested to do so, ect.
  7. A/B Sale, use, possession, distribution, or being under the influence of alcoholic beverages, except as permitted by law and University policy.
  8. A/B The University is committed to maintaining an educational environment free of illegal drugs. The use, manufacturing, purchase of or possession of any controlled substance(s), prescription drug(s) (other than those lawfully prescribed to the individual), illegal drugs, drug paraphernalia, or general products used as intoxicants as a means to get high is prohibited. Furthermore, making available, giving away, selling or serving any illegal drug(s) or drug paraphernalia or using any drug in a manner not legally prescribed to any person is also prohibited. Statement on Medical Marijuana: As a public, state institution, Wright State University complies with the national Drug-Free Schools Communities Act (DFSCA) (20 U.S.C. 1011i; 34 C.F.R. part 86) as well as the Drug Free Workplace Act (41 U.S.C. 81) which requires a drug-free campus community. Recently, medical marijuana was legalized under Ohio law, yet it remains illegal under federal law. As such, possession, use, and storage of marijuana and medical marijuana by students, faculty, staff, and visitors is prohibited on all Wright State University campuses and properties.
  9. A/B Gambling for money or other items of value.
  10. A/B Unauthorized entry into, or use of, University-owned, -contracted or-managed facilities/property.
  11. A/B Unauthorized use of University-owned, -contracted, or -managed computer systems including, but not limited to, knowing failure to comply with license agreements, contracts or agreements governing acceptable use standards, network software and hardware use, unauthorized commercial or personal gain, harmful intrusion or invasion of privacy, destruction, alteration or prevention of rightful access.
  12. A/B Unauthorized entry into, or misuse of University-owned, -contracted, or-managed telecommunication services or auxillary services including, but not limited to, the inappropriate use of personal identification numbers, voice mail, and theft of service.
  13. A/B Theft, including the knowing possession of any stolen property or property obtained or used without the owner's permission.
  14. A/B Damaging University property and/or personal property of any University students, faculty, staff, or visitors.
  15. A/B Violating the terms of any disciplinary sanction.
  16. A/B Attempting to commit and/or complicity in the commission of any conduct prohibited by the Code of Student Conduct.
  17. A/B Forging, or duplicating/altering/destroying without authorization, or misuse of University documents, identification cards, or keys.
  18. A/B Invasion of Privacy: The recording, filming, photographing, viewing, transmitting or producing the image or an audio recording of another person without their knowledge and expressed consent while in an environment that is considered private or where there is an expectation of privacy, including the use of undisclosed and/or hidden recording devices and the storing, transmission and/or distribution of any such recordings. (This violation pertains to areas on campus that are considered private or where there is an expectation of privacy, including but not limited to residence, restroom, shower, faculty or administrative offices, locker room, or gym. This violation does not pertain to the recording of public events or discussions or recordings made for law enforcement purposes.) This violation also pertains to the sharing of images or voice of another person (even if recorded consensually) without their expressed consent. For questions concerning recording lectures or distribution of other class materials consult the course syllabus or speak with the course instructor.

"​B" Violations

  1. B Infliction or threat of physical harm to any person(s), including self, or their property. This includes, but is not limited to, dating violence and domestic violence.
  2. B Hazing involves doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of initiation into any student or other organization or any act to continue or reinstate membership in or affiliation with any student or other organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing physical or mental harm to any person, including coercing another to consume alcohol or a drug of abuse
  3. B All hostile, threatening, or intimidating behavior that by its very nature would be interpreted by a reasonable person to threaten or endanger the health, safety or well being of any person is contradictory to the University's mission and therefore not acceptable. Examples of such behavior may include, but are not limited to:
    • Harassment. The University defines harassment as: Harassment is conduct that has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with an individual's work or educational performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment. Such conduct may constitute harassment even if done under the guise of humor.  Conduct over social media that rises to this level is prohibited. Harassment, as defined above, is not protected by the First Amendment.
    • Any form of harassment, including, stalking, sexual harassment or harassment based on perceived or actual identities.
  4. B Possession of any weapon in violation of University policy or applicable law is prohibited. This may include, but not limited to, pistols, rifles, shotguns, airsoft guns, paintball guns, pellet guns, knives with blades over 3 inches long (except for standard kitchen utensils that are exclusively used for food preparation), ammunition, any stun device, or other weapons.
  5. B The use or possession of explosive devices or other dangerous items including, but not limited to pipe bombs, bottle bombs, incendiary devices, torches/open flame devices, smoke devices, fireworks and ammunition, self-balancing personal scooters (hoverboards) while on University-owned or controlled property, or at University-sponsored or supervised activities except by University or other persons specifically authorized by the University. Open fires are also prohibited unless specifically authorized.
  6. B Disorderly conduct or obscene conduct on University premises or at University-sponsored or -supervised activities including, but not limited to, academic classes and activities. Obscene conduct includes conduct that depicts or describes sexual conduct and, when taken as a whole, portrays sex in a patently offensive way and has no serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
  7. B Any violation of the Sex/Gender-Based Harassment, Discrimination, and Sexual Misconduct (University Policy 1270)
  8. B Bias Related Incidents: Any violation of the Code motivated by a consideration of race, sex (including gender identity), color, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation may subject the student to the imposition of a sanction more severe than would be imposed in the absence of such motivation.
  9. B Conduct System Abuse: Any act(s) by a person(s) that inhibits or disrupts the University conduct process including, but not limited to, retaliation, intimidation or harassment of witnesses, attempting to influence the impartiality of a representative of a hearing panel or conduct officer, failure to participate in a hearing or conduct conference, and/or providing false or misleading information to a hearing panel or conduct officer.