Community Standards and Student Conduct

Section XI. Appeals

The appellate process is designed to ensure the integrity of the deliberations and decisions of the University hearing panel(s) and/or the decisions of a conduct officer.

In non-academic cases referred to the University Appeals Panel/University official, the University Appeals Panel/University official will examine the hearing or other records to determine whether the procedures employed were proper, whether the decison is adequately supported by the documents, testimony, or other evidence, or the propriety of any sanction imposed, or new evidence presented. 

The appellate process differs from that of the hearing. University Appeals Panel/University official does not hear testimony from witnesses; consider documents or other evidence not previously considered by the hearing body unless the appeal is based upon the discovery of new information and/or evidence. University Appeals Panel/University official will meet in closed session to review records, including any tapes or transcripts, and to determine whether the procedural and substantive decisions made were proper. If there were no procedural or substantive errors made which would have significantly affected the outcome of the hearing, the decision will be upheld.

If, however, there were procedural or substantive errors significantly affecting the outcome of the hearing, the Appeals Panel shall remand the case to the hearing panel or Director for appropriate action.  Every effort will be made to notify students of the findings of the Appeals Panel within 5 (five) business days of the date of the decision. Students are entitled to a single appeal. The decision(s) of the Appeals Panel is final.

Appeal Process Overview

  1. Any decision made in which a student is found responsible for any violation of the Wright State University Code of Student Conduct is eligible for appeal. 
    1. A student that participated in an Academic Integrity Hearing Panel hearing may only appeal non-academic sanctions.
    2. In cases of gender based harassment and violence both the responding party and the reporting party has the right to appeal according to University procedures. 
  2. Students have 5 (five) business days after notification of their sanction(s) to submit an appeal.
  3. The appeal must be in writing and submitted to the Office of Community Standards and Student Conduct using the identified link in the resolution letter or via e-mail to
  4. The appeal should state in plain and simple language that the decision is being appealed and the facts that support the student's assertion that an error was made by the original hearing body because: 
    1. The student has been deprived of their rights as defined herein.
    2. The sanction(s) imposed by the officer/body of original jurisdiction was not justified by the nature of the offense. 
    3. To consider new evidence sufficient to alter a decision or other relevant facts not brought out in the original hearing because such evidence and/or facts were not known to the person appealing at the time of the original hearing. 
  5. After submission, the appeal will be forwarded to the appropriate board or University official. 
    1.  All appeals involving "A" violations will be heard by the director or designee. The appellate decision of the director or designee will be final. 
    2. All appeals involving "B" violations heard by the Conduct Review Panel, Gender Based Harassment and Violence Panel, and those decisions by the Director of Community Standards and Student Conduct or designee resulting in suspension or expulsion will be heard by the University Appeals Panel or Dean of Students. The appellate decision of the University Appeals Panel or Dean of Students is final. 
    3.  Regarding the academic integrity hearing process, the decision as to whether a student is responsible or not responsible for a violation of academic misconduct is final. Furthermore, if the student is found responsible by the AIHP, then the academic sanction recommended by the faculty member is also final. Only non-academic sanctions levied by the AIHP (e.g. a suspension for a second violation) may be appealed to the University Appeals Panel. 
  6. The appeal hearing will be an administrative review of the student's statement and the facts of the incident. The student will not attend a hearing unless the University Appeals Panel/University official hearing the appeal request the student appear in person to provide oral arguments in addition to the written appeal in order to render a decision. The appellate decision of the University Appeals Panel is final. The student will be notified of the outcome via e-mail within 5 (five) business days.