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International Graduate Student Scholarships

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University Center for International Education (UCIE) Graduate Merit Scholarship

Wright State University's UCIE Graduate Merit Scholarship is merit-based and designed to recognize academically outstanding international students first enrolling for the 2024-25 or 2025-26 academic years. Scholarships range in value from $2,500 to $5,000 annually. Students can receive these scholarships for a total of 4 semesters of full-time graduate study as long as they continue to meet certain criteria outlined in the scholarship details.

You will be considered for this scholarship upon admission to the university; no scholarship application is needed. Funds are offered as available, so apply today!

Cumulative Undergraduate GPA

Annual Scholarship Offer

2.7 - 2.9


3.0 and above


Scholarship Details

  • No scholarship application is needed.
  • Must be an international student on an F1 visa.
  • Must be charged a non-resident tuition surcharge.
  • Students may receive only one merit scholarship or tuition discount with the exclusion of the CECS Graduate Remediation Scholarship.
  • Students must be enrolled full-time.
  • The annual scholarship amount is divided evenly between Fall and Spring Semesters. If you are a continuing student attending full-time in the summer, complete the Summer Scholarship Request Form.
  • Funds are awarded as available, so apply for admission into a graduate program early.
  • It can be used for graduate non-resident tuition only.


Graduate International Alumni Scholarship 

A $10,000 annual scholarship for full-time enrollment will be awarded for F-1 and J-1 international students who have completed an undergraduate or graduate degree at Wright State and would like to enroll for a second degree. Students will need to have a GPA of 3.0 or higher at the time of admission to be eligible. The scholarship cannot be combined with any other Wright State-funded scholarships or assistantships.  

Scholarship Details

  • Must be an international student on an F1 or J1 visa.
  • Must be charged a non-resident tuition surcharge.
  • Students may receive only one merit scholarship or tuition discount
  • Students must be enrolled full-time.
  • The annual scholarship amount is divided evenly between Fall and Spring Semesters. If you are a continuing student attending full-time in the summer, complete the Summer Scholarship Request Form.
  • Funds are awarded as available, so apply for admission into a graduate program early.
  • It can be used for graduate non-resident tuition only.