Human Resources


photo of the rock with the wright state seal

On this page:

About Benefits

Wright State University values its faculty and staff as its most important resource in achieving its mission and goals. Wright State strives to attract and retain highly qualified and productive employees through a philosophy of total compensation. Anyone seeking or accepting the benefits provided will be deemed to have accepted the terms of the benefits programs and the university’s right to modify, amend, or terminate them. Every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the benefits information on this site. However, if any provision is unclear, ambiguous, or an inconsistency exists between this site and the written plans or contracts, the actual provisions of each benefit plan will govern.

Eligible Dependents and Verification

Employees who are appointed to work at or above a 75% full-time equivalency basis are eligible to enroll their dependents in select benefits with Wright State University. Your enrolled dependents must meet certain eligibility definitions, and you will need to provide dependent verification. Learn more on the Eligible Dependents and Verification website.

Explore Wright State Benefits


Managing Your Benefits

Forms and Resources

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment is a once-a-year opportunity for benefit-eligible employees to make changes for the upcoming year.

Open Enrollment Period: Typically late October to mid November

Qualifying Life Events

A qualifying life event in terms of your benefits means, you can update your benefit enrollments without having to wait for the next open enrollment period.


Benefit Advocacy

HUB provides the university with thorough support across all aspects our health care insurance plans. When administrative or billing issues arise with an insurance vendor and cannot be resolved within a reasonable time frame, a dedicated HUB representative will step in to assist.

The HUB team will listen to your concerns, work directly with the vendor to find a resolution, and ensure that the matter is fully addressed and closed. HUB is available to you at no cost to make sure you receive the service and support you need.

The HUB Advocacy Team is available Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 844.694.6726 or