Human Resources

Strategic Hiring

Effective November 1, 2024

photo of the wright b flyer in the library

On this page:

About Strategic Hiring

It is imperative that Wright State continue to prioritize bringing operating expenses in line with future anticipated revenue. Compensation comprises the overwhelming majority of annual university spending, and it is the most strategically important expense category around which we must focus our efforts as we work toward a sustainable operating model.

The most effective strategy we can employ to impact our people and our operating expenses positively is to be proactive in building an efficient and resilient workforce while taking advantage of the opportunity to critically review position vacancies as they occur. Hiring fewer people and investing in our employees to develop diversified skill sets through promotional opportunities will allow them and our institution to be resilient. College and division leadership are expected to comply with the strategic hiring review. Proposals for vacant or new positions will be reviewed by the Strategic Hire Committee (SHC) following the process below.

Strategic Hire Committee

  • James Denniston – Acting Provost
  • Burhan Kawosa – Vice President, Finance, Planning and Analysis
  • Emily Hamman – Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer
  • Greg Sample – Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer
  • Sommer Todd – University Controller



Executive-level leadership will contact the HR Business Partner (HRBP) assigned to the college/division/unit to inform them of the hiring need. Together, they will collaborate with underlying leaders, university resource partners, fiscal services managers, Institutional Research and Effectiveness, and other relevant campus leaders to evaluate strategies and necessity of meeting unit needs.


If the decision is made to request a hire, the vacancy will be entered into People Admin with the most up-to-date information. The requestor must attach the strategic hiring summary proposal, organizational chart, and pertinent supporting documentation to the People Admin posting submission.


When the position and supporting documentation have reached the Strategic Hire approval queue in People Admin, the HRBP will be contacted by the SHC coordinator to confirm the position is ready to be sent to the Strategic Hire Committee for review.


Positions that are unanimously approved will be moved forward in the People Admin workflow toward posting. Those that require further discussion will be held for the Strategic Hire meeting that occurs on the first Thursday of each month. The executive leader will receive communication of the decisions at each step.

Forms and Resources

Notes and Exceptions

100% externally funded positions are not subject to strategic hire review but will require documentation of the funding amount and period to be attached within People Admin.

Internal promotions will not be subject to cursory review. However, the Strategic Hire Committee reserves the right to review. The promotion request should have a justification statement for the promotion, the CV/resume should be attached, and the requestor should indicate if the promoted individual’s position will be requested for backfill in People Admin.

 For critical situations, an expedited review can be requested via email to the HRBP once the position has reached the Strategic Hire approval queue in People Admin.